Page 83 of The Nanny

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Camila watches as I find the attachment points for the harness, clipping all four into position until it’s properly installed.

“I totally missed that,” Camila huffs. “Some of these chairs are a doozy.”

“They’re amazing though,” I say. “There’s so much they can do now.”

“For real.” Camila examines the back of the chair, finding the tilt function and bringing the chair back into its first position. “I think we’ve got it now, don’t you think? Should we move on to the Leckey?”

“No tilt function with that one, at least,” I note.

“Right. Looks like that group is almost done with it. We can go grab it next.”

We take a seat near the other group who is still studying the different functions of the Leckey, Camila sprawling out next to me in the plastic chair and blowing out a breath. “Just this last year, and we’re done.”

“It’s crazy.”

“Do you think the boards are going to be brutal?”

“Probably,” I laugh. “But we’ll be fine.”

“Says you,” she snorts. “You’re top of the class.”

“You’re doing just fine.”

“How’s the nanny gig going? You were acting so weird last time I saw you.”

“Oh...” I blush, hoping she doesn’t catch it. I can’t exactly tell her that I’ve complicated matters further bysleepingwith the person from my past whostilldoesn’t remember me. “Things are great. I really love Sophie, the little girl I nanny. She’s... a character.”

“I told you,” Camila laughs. “They can be something at that age.”

“You said you had a niece that age, right?”

“Lucia,” Camila tells me. “She’s a gremlin. Cute little thing though.”

I nod absently, watching the other group test the different modes of the chair as my thoughts wander. I can’t say why the idea pops into my head; maybe it’s just because I’m remembering Aiden’s texts earlier about how he wished Sophie had an easier time putting herself out there—but an idea sparks nonetheless.

“Hey, Camila...”

She turns to regard me. “Yeah?”

“Do you think your niece would enjoy a trip to the zoo?”

“I sense I’m walking into a trap.”

“It’s just... Sophie, she—she’s new at her school this year, and she’s had a hard time making friends. I just thought... if she could play with someone her own age without all the pressure of being in a swarm of kids at school... Is this a terrible idea?”

“For me maybe,” Camila snorts. “Didn’t I tell you Lucia was a gremlin?”

“Oh, come on. She’syourniece. She’s got to be alittlecool.”

Camila narrows her eyes. “Are you trying to butter me up?”

“Is it working?”

She rolls her eyes. “Unfortunately.Fine. You’re buying lunch that day, by the way.”

“Of course. Anything. This is going to be so great.”

Camila is still grumbling even as I’m quietly celebrating my own genius.
