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I unlock the door and show them the dress, both of them nodding in approval. I go back into the dressing room and take the dress off, picking another option they handed me to try on next.

“I don’t have a great history when it comes to relationships,” I admit.

Meghan begins cracking up. “Girl, none of us do. It’s why they’re called history. Because we obviously don’t want them in our lives.”

Okay, she has a valid point. I’ll give her that.

“What’s so bad about your past?” Starla’s tone is gentle, but her question lingers in the air.

My heart clenches at the memories I’ve tried so hard to push back. I never want to remember them ever again. “I’ve only ever been cheated on,” I admit, my voice trembling slightly. I cared so much about the men from my last two relationships. I cared more than I should have. “I’m tired of being someone’s second choice, so I decided I won’t date anyone. It’s not worth it, especially when all history does is repeat itself.” With a deep breath, I finish putting on the dress and open the door to show them the second option.

Starla has a stern look on her face and stares right into my eyes. “Magnus isn’t one of those shitty boys you’ve dated in the past. He’s a man, and he’s one that knows exactly what he wants, Rayna. That’s you. Ever since you’ve been here, something has changed in him. I see it.” Her words are heavy with the truth.

Meghan nods in agreement. “She isn’t lying. He hasn’t called on me or Starla since you arrived. I think he’s into you, and he wants you to know it.”

“He made itperfectlyclear last night that’s what he wants,” I tell them.

“Test the water, girl!” Starla urges and the passion is evident in her tone. “The worst that could happen is that you two don’t work out. Magnus isn’t the kind of guy who cheats, and he really, really wants to make something work between the two of you,” Starla confesses.

Should I give him a chance? My mind races with conflicting thoughts and emotions. But then again, multiple people are telling me he’s this great guy. What if Magnus could be my happily ever after? The only way I’ll find out is if I give him a shot. So, maybe I will.



“Shut the fuck up!” Runes slams the gavel down on the wooden table and glares at every brother who’s shouting over the other. “There’s no one at this table who wants to know more about Hillary’s ex than me. Do I make myself clear?”

Suddenly, the arguing stops, and all of the brothers grow quiet. “The man obviously doesn’t believe Hillary’s death was an accident. That much is clear. Now, we need to decide what we’re going to do about it. I already have Vanir going through the security footage. He has access to some facial recognition software, and he’s going to see what pops up.”

“How long do you think that will take?” Fenrir asks, crossing his arms. His ol’ lady, Charm, is a co-owner in the spa with Runes’ ol’ lady, Fern. The two ladies happen to be the best of friends.

“It’s hard to say. I’m still weeding through the footage to get the best shots of his face. Once I find a few options, I’ll upload and see what comes up,” Vanir says.

We all know Fenrir wants answers just as badly as Runes does, even if Runes can’t admit that to himself.

“Keep us posted. As soon as you find something I want to know,” Runes announces, and Vanir nods in understanding. “Now, onto another pressing issue. I told you all a while back that Reed from the Skulls Renegade MC has allowed us to franchise Bubba’s and create a location here. I know we can make a lot of money with the bar, considering it appeals to people like us. But I looked at their website, and it’s a complete disaster. I don’t know how they’ve stayed in business besides their good location and loyal customers. Vanir, can you look at the website and get it fixed for Reed, then create something on brand with that for us?”

A low, deep chuckle rumbles from Vanir’s chest. “I’m good at hacking, Prez. One thing I can’t do for shit is create a website. Design isn’t exactly my forte.”

Kraken’s voice cuts through the room, “You gotta be shittin’ me, right?”

Vanir shakes his head. “No, I’m not good at design, brother. I wish I could be, but I’m not. Never got the hang of it.”

Dag interjects, “You know who is good at design?”

Everyone shakes their heads.

“Who?” Rati is finally the one who asks.

“My sister,” Dag declares confidently. “She’s been designing websites for years, and she’s damn good at it. She designed the website for my law office and is undertaking Esperanza’s right now.”

“Do you think she’d fix Reed’s and make us something?” Runes questions.

Without missing a beat, Dag replies, “Yeah, I’m sure she would. She feels very grateful that we’ve all welcomed her and our mother with welcome arms when they needed us. She’d be more than happy to help return the favor.”

“Perfect. I don’t care who, but someone speak to Rayna about this. I need to know what she needs, and then I’ll get everything over to her,” Runes announces.

“I’ll speak to her whenkirkjais over,” I tell everyone in the room.

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