Page 112 of Inescapable Darkness

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It feels as if someone has ripped my heart out of my chest, leaving a jagged and bloody hole behind. No, notsomeone. Isabella.

Sitting on her bed, I just stare at the opposite wall while I try to figure out what the hell happened. Isabella’s duffel bag sits beside me on the smooth sheets. She left everything. Her extra sets of clothes. Her money. Her passports. Her guns. Everything.

She just… left.

What the hell happened?

I thought we had reached a point where we enjoyed spending time together. A point where we didn’t lie to each other.

But it seems like I underestimated her and her ability to lie without me seeing it.

You ruined my fucking life. I wish I had killed you and your grandfather along with your stupid parents and your entire fucking family that night.

Pain rips through my already shredded chest as those words echo inside my skull. All this time,thatwas what she was really thinking. When we talked and played games and fucked, she was actually thinking about how much she hates me and my entire family.

And the worst part is that I understand it. I understand why she hates me. Sheshouldhate me. Just like Ishouldhate her for her involvement in my parents’ death. But I just thought that we—

My phone vibrates. Again.

I glance down to see that it’s Kaden calling me for what has to be the tenth time. Deep inside, I know that I should pick up. But I saw the entire Petrov clan when I drove back here, so I know that he’s not calling because he needs help. And I just can’t handle talking to him about something else right now because I know that he will see straight through me.

Heaving a deep sigh, I decline his call and go back to staring at the wall.

My mind is at war with itself. Or maybe it’s at war with that bloody pulp that used to be my heart.

Part of me wants to go after Isabella. To try to track her down and… I don’t know. Confront her or something. Or find her at least.

The other part of me is starting to think that maybe she was right. Maybe we have too much history. Too many complicated things between us that we will never be able to truly let go of. So maybe it’s better this way. She leaves, and I move on with my life.

A sharp ache pulses through my chest at just the thought of that.

Even from all the way up here, I can hear the front door being yanked open violently.

“RICO!” Kaden bellows a second later.

I sink down on the bed again since I now know that it’s not an attacker. A groan escapes me as I hear Kaden’s footsteps pounding up the stairs. I can hear from just the way he’s walking, or rather running, that he is angry. And I don’t feel like dealing with it right now.

The door to Isabella’s bedroom is yanked open, revealing a furious-looking Kaden.

“So, your handsareworking,” he snaps as he stalks towards me.

It was not what I had been expecting him to say, so I just frown at him and reply, “What?”

He reaches the bed.

My stomach lurches as he grabs me by the collar, hauls me to my feet, and then slams me up against the nearest wall so hard that my teeth rattle.

“Unless you want me to break your hands for you so that you have an actual excuse,” he growls in my face. “The next time I call you, you fucking pick up. Is that clear?”

I just stare back at him, my eyes wide, for a second before trying to push him off me. “What the hell—”

“I said, is that clear?” he cuts me off, his brown eyes crackling with fury.

“Uhm…” I begin, suddenly feeling like I’m missing half of the conversation we’re having. “Yes.”

“Good. Now that we’ve established that, shut the fuck up and listen to what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

Stunned shock still pulses through me, so I just nod. Kaden doesn’t back off. He keeps his hands buried in my collar, pinning me to the wall.

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