Page 113 of Inescapable Darkness

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“Isabella is in deep shit,” he says.

My heart stalls, but I force the flash of panic aside and instead reply, “I know. She called me and told me that she’s leaving the country to get away from the cult. And she said that right before she told me to fuck off and that she wishes that she had killed me. So whatever trouble she’s in is her business.”

“And you believed her. Oh, you fucking moron. Is that why you haven’t been picking up your phone? Because you’ve been moping around heartbroken over her mean words?”

“Fuck you,” I snap, once again trying to shove him off me. “I—”

He slams me against the wall again, so hard that my breath rips out of me in a huff.

“Enough,” he barks. “Andlistento me.”

His eyes bore into mine, and I find myself closing my mouth instead of snapping back at him.

“Isabella made a deal with that cult of hers,” he says when he’s satisfied that I won’t fight him again. “To give herself up in exchange for your life.”

My heart stalls. Eyes wide, I barely manage to press out, “What?”

“She didn’t know that I was right outside her door when she made the call. She told them that she would give herself up to them, take your punishment too, which apparently is one hundred days of torture, on top of her own one hundred days, and then publicly grovel before their Master, after which she will let them execute her without fighting back.” His eyes are locked on mine. “In exchange for them letting you live and taking you off their hit list.”

I open my mouth, but no sound makes it out.

“She was the one who decided the location, which means that I heard it too,” Kaden continues. “I followed her, thinking it was the perfect opportunity to catch those two bastards who killed your parents. I called you, but you were already on the phone with someone else. And after that, you didn’t pick up at all. So I went alone.”

Closing my eyes, I let my head thump back against the wall while a tidal wave of regret crashes into me.

“I watched her walk up and surrender to them,” he continues.

With that terrible regret clawing its way up my throat, I open my eyes and meet Kaden’s gaze. It’s not a victorious gaze, which means that his plan didn’t work. It might have, if I had been there. But I wasn’t. And now, we’ve lost the opportunity. And her.

“So, they have her now.” It’s more of a statement than a question.

But Kaden shakes his head. “No.”

My eyebrows shoot up.

He holds my gaze. “Your grandfather does.”

Ice seeps through my veins. I snap my head to the side, staring towards the window and finally seeing what I didn’t notice when I arrived. All of the guards in civilian clothing who are supposed to be posted around the house are no longer there.

“He showed up with a ton of his people,” Kaden says as I turn my head back to meet his gaze again. “Which means that his guards must have been following her as well. They ambushed her and those two other assassins, handcuffed them all, and shoved them into vans before driving off.”

“Oh fuck…”

“You know your grandfather best, but I’m guessing he’s not taking them out for a picnic.” At last, he releases his grip on my collar and steps back. “So, like I said, Isabella is in deep shit.”

I stagger away from the wall, feeling like someone just blew the entire floor out from underneath my feet.

Then I’m running.

Darting into my bedroom, I snatch up my own gun before sprinting downstairs.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Kaden asks, following me as I hurry towards the front door.

“No. If you’re with me, they might not let us through. But if it’s just me, I have a better chance of forcing the guards to let me into the room.”

He nods.

After shoving open the door, I pause for a second and turn back to him. “Thank you. And I’m sorry.”
