Page 126 of Inescapable Darkness

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With one hand on the steering wheel and the other drawing pleasure from my body, he drives us back home while pushing me closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm.

Pent-up tension vibrates inside my soul as his clever fingers move across my sensitive skin. I can barely concentrate on where we are, let alone on what I had planned to make him tell me earlier, as he fucks me with his fingers.

My chest heaves and lights flicker behind my eyes as I soar towards that sweet release.

He curls his fingers on the way out.

Pleasure crackles through me.

I cry out and then gasp into the ceiling of the car as release shoots through my limbs like lightning strikes. Moans drip from my lips.

The car swerves slightly.

“Fuck,” Rico mutters.

But his fingers continue pumping into me, drawing out the orgasm and prolonging the pleasure.

Once the last of it has receded, Rico pulls his hand back. I suck in a shuddering breath and tilt my head to the side, resting my cheek against the headrest.

“Why did you curse?” I ask, my voice coming out breathless.

Amusement tugs at his lips as he casts me a sideways glance while turning into our driveway. “Because you looked so fucking stunning when you climaxed around my fingers that I almost drove off the road.”

A laugh rips from my chest. Followed by smug satisfaction.

“And what are you looking so smug about?” he teases as he parks the car. “When I’m the one who managed to distract you enough that you forgot to threaten me into telling you what the surprise is.”

Raising my eyebrows, I look between him and the house in front of us. Our house. Then I narrow my eyes at him. “Oh, you cunning bastard.”

He lets out a dark chuckle. Opening his door, he gets out of the car while saying, “Come on.”

I follow him.

Stars shine in the dark blue heavens above, and they reflect against the still lake, making it look like a piece of the night sky. I know how much Rico loves that. It’s one of the reasons why I picked this house for us.

After unlocking the front door, he opens it for me.

I walk inside while saying, “Whatever the surprise is, it’s going to have to wait for ten minutes.”

“Oh?” he asks while following me into the hallway.

Looking over my shoulder, I give him a pointed glance. “I need to take a shower first. Since someone decided to ruin my dress and make me all sticky.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining in the car.” He grins back at me, but then nods. “Join me on the balcony when you’re done.”

While he heads into the kitchen, I go up to our bedroom and take a quick shower before changing into another dress. This one is blue, one that matches my eyes, and has silver gems sewn into the bodice like glittering stars.

When I walk back down to the living room, a heavenly scent drifts through the air. It gets even stronger as I walk out onto the balcony.

A wide smile spreads across my lips as I find the table out there packed with waffles and dozens of toppings.

“Okay,” I say, shifting my gaze to Rico, who is standing by the railing. “I might have to revise my opinion on surprises.Thisis a very nice one.”

He smiles as I walk over and join him by the railing. For a few seconds, I just gaze out at the lake. The trees around it rustle faintly in the wind. The gentle breeze sweeps across the star-dusted water, making the surface ripple slightly.

Next to me, I can feel Rico watching my face, as if memorizing it.

I turn towards him.

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