Page 85 of Always With You

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“I think it’s time,” I mumble to myself as I push open the door of our house and step in.

It’s been six months since we have been married. As I consider that day, I realise that I had no idea what our lives would hold. For sure, our life has been a roller coaster, where I also had my share of uncertainty and fears. But through it all, Ranveer stood by me and proved to me that this marriage is nothing but bliss. It took me some time to overcome the trauma after that mishap at Jai’s home. I still feel shivers run down my spine whenever I think of the untoward incident. Had it not been for Ranveer who came in the nick of time, I don’t know what would have happened. He did warn me against taking risks, but I didn’t pay heed. After what Jai did, Ranveer made sure that he was put behind the bars. Rewa took some time to settle down but is now better.

Ranveer can’t help fret over me ever since, but I have promised him that from now onwards, I will never do anything irrational. He is such a loving person. The house that overwhelmed me at first is now my home. Now all that I am longing for is the pitter-patter of little feet. This is something I have been pondering about for some time. I still haven’t discussed it with him, but I am planning to talk tonight over dinner.

I have made a reservation for a candlelight dinner for us at one of his favourite restaurants at eight. I did message him earlier about it, and he confirmed that he will be home on time. It is barely five thirty in the evening, and I am back from the boutique. I know I am over excited. However, I can’t help but feel apprehensive about what Ranveer will feel about starting a family. I hope we both are on the same page. Regardless of what his answer is, it doesn’t matter, because, at the end, it’s about his happiness. He is always the one looking after me and doing things for me. So, this one time, if I have to let go of my dream, I won’t mind.

Heading to our room, I waste no time in having a quick shower. Once done, I wrap myself in the bathrobe and step out. Just then, my mobile beeps with a message. Picking it up, I swipe the screen and my face lights up when I see Ranveer’s message.

Ranveer: This day seems to be dragging. The only thing I want to do right now is hold you in my arms. I’m missing you, Wifey.

Me: I wish I could teleport myself to you. But I can’t. Looks like you need to manage these couple of hours by yourself. Till then, this should help.

After sending the message, I grin as I take a selfie in the bathrobe and send it.

Ranveer: You are a devil. God! How do you expect me to concentrate on work?

Me: You are a big man, you’ll survive.

Ranveer: You’ll have to pay for this.

Me: Holding you on to that. Love you.

Putting the phone back on the dresser with a grin on my face, I get dressed. Once done, I stand in front of the mirror. As I look at my reflection, I see a happily married woman. The glow in my eyes and the shine on my face say it all.

I check out the time. It’s fifteen minutes past six already. I might as well speed up so that I am ready when he comes. After straightening my hair, I decide to let it fall over my shoulder with slight curls in the end. I then pick up my makeup kit from the dresser as I decide to do something minimal, just to accentuate. I highlight my eyes with a nude brown shadow that helps in making my brown eyes a little lustrous. I have been planning this day for long and wanted to look my best, so I also designed a special dress for myself. It’s a red netted dress that’s just a little above my knees. It’s backless, which is going to take some getting used to, as I have never worn anything this bold, but I loved the sexy look. I twirl around, loving the way the dress looks on me. A blush creeps on my lips, and I bite my lower lip as a thought crops up. ‘What if Ranveer plans to start working on the baby process from tonight itself?’

The ringing of the doorbell pulls me out of my fantasy. I shake my head and a smile creeps on my face. Looks like my husband really got impatient. I quickly slip on my black high heels as I pick up my purse. The clock is ticking on having the conversation about growing our family. I take a deep breath and step out of our room, making my way to the living room downstairs. The doorbell rings again. ‘Why isn’t he just using his code to enter?’ I frown.

“Coming,” I answer as I make my way to the door. “Can’t you wait….” I begin to say as I open the door but stop mid-sentence when I see it’s not Ranveer.

“Hi, is Ranveer home?” the woman asks.

I take in the sight of the pretty woman, having dark blonde hair, black eyes, dressed in jeans and a crop top.

“He is not yet home. Would you like to come in and wait for him?” I ask as my eyes move to the adorable little girl standing next to her, who looks like she is somewhere around five years.

The woman follows my gaze to her daughter and smirks. “She looks just like her father, doesn’t she?” she asks with a wide smile. I am perplexed, wondering what’s going on when she extends her hand. “We haven’t met.” Just when I take it, she says, “I am Soha, Ranveer’s wife.”

My heart skitters, and my world tilts on its axis. Wait! What? Ranveer’s wife? Ranveer is married? Married? How is that possible? If she is his wife, then who am I? My hands start to tremble, and I shake my head at her words.

“Ranveer is your husband?” I ask, hoping that I must have heard her wrong, praying like hell that this is nothing but some silly prank.

“Yup, but I thought you would know that. You being in his house, I assumed you must be his good friend. I wonder why he didn’t tell you about us,” she says in her honey-coated voice that does nothing but break my heart into pieces.

Ranveer cheated on me. I feel the blood leave my face, but I don’t break down in front of her. It’s the hardest thing I have done.

“Ranveer… didn’t tell me,” I somehow mutter, as I study the little girl before me. She has black hair and black eyes, just like Ranveer. I’m trying my best to look for something that will say this little girl is not his daughter. How do I convince myself that Ranveer will never lie to me like this? How the hell do I prove that this woman is lying through her teeth? As far as I know Ranveer, he is not the kind of man who will wipe his hands off from his own blood. For sure this woman must be lying.

“She has been missing her dad. It’s been a few months since Ranveer came to meet us. That’s the reason we thought of dropping by,” she says as she strokes her daughter’s hair.

My eyes find her. I don’t want to be mean or rude but seeing her standing here is messing with my brains big time. Till I don’t hear this from Ranveer himself, I won’t believe a word she utters. I am about to open my mouth to tell her to leave when I hear Ranveer’s voice.

“What are you doing here?” he yells as he walks towards us, making me jump.

“Dadddyyyy….” The little one turns around and runs at once to Ranveer.
