Page 14 of Brutal Callous Heir

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It takes her a few seconds but finally, she rips herself from the trance the sight of us put her in and remembers what she’s meant to be doing and takes off across the room to an empty table.

Dumping her bag on the top, she pulls out a book and pencil, and starts doing something. But every few seconds, she glances up at us.

She probably thinks she’s being discreet but she really fucking isn’t.

Keeley leans forward, her breath rushing over my neck, making a shudder run down my spine. But it’s not for her. She’s the easy I don’t want. I’m pretty sure if I pushed it, I could take her right here in front of almost the entire sixth form. But while a little exhibitionism is fun, it’s not what I want right now.

That isn’t what’s making my dick hard.

“You want to go somewhere a little more private?” she whispers in my ear.

“No, not really,” I confess, making her gasp.

She’s probably thinking exactly the same thing I was a second ago.

“Theo, I don’t think—”

“We’re done here, Keeley. Thanks for the entertainment.”

She gasps again but this time, it’s not with shock, but anger.“B-but I thought—”

“You thought what? That I wanted you? That you were special?”

One of my boy’s whistles at my harshness. Fuck knows why. They’ve both said worse things to the chasers before now.

“It sure feels like it,” she squeezes my dick, making my teeth grind.

Yeah, her touch does feel nice. But I’m pretty sure Elliot’s would if I closed my eyes too. Doesn’t mean I fucking want him, either.

“Keeley,” I hiss, ripping her hand from my dick and shoving her from my lap. “Your time is done. Take your little friends and fuck off.”

She stares down at me, and I swear her bottom lip trembles.

“Fine. But don’t come running to me when you need to finish that off later,” she sasses, jutting a hip out and flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“Don’t worry. I have hands, too,” I call after her as she stalks through the common room.

“Brutal,” Elliot says with a smirk as he grabs one of the chairs the chasers were sitting in, spins it around and sits backward on it. “She can’t be that unqualified, pretty sure Reese trained her.”

“Ow, fuck. He’s joking, sweet cheeks,” Reese whines after Olivia smacks him around the head.

“He’s not, though, is he? Don’t forget, I hear all the bathroom gossip.”

“That was the old me,” he pleads. “I’m a changed man now. The only girl I can see right now is you.”

Elliot laughs. “Isn’t it amazing what shit a guy will spew to ensure he continues getting laid?”

“Something you clearly know nothing about,” Oakley pipes up having stopped trying to suck Tally’s face off. “When was the last time you saw some action, oh fearless one?”

“None of your fucking business.”

“Aw, leave him alone. We all know he’s got a little crush,” I tease.

“Fuck off, Theo.”

“Maybe you should try your luck with the New Girl. She might need someone a little… darker than Prim and Abs to bring her out of her shell,” Oakley suggests.

At his mention of her, my eyes dart toward where she is, and once again, I find her watching us.

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