Page 32 of Brutal Callous Heir

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“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”

“Not directly. But I’ve seen first-hand what they can do. You shouldn’t have gone head-to-head with her like that.”

“I’m not going to cower. Besides, Keeley is nothing compared to—” I stop myself, surprised that I let myself even speak the words.

“Compared to what?”


Abi studies me for a second but she lets it go. “We could tell Miss Linley,” she suggests. “A lot of the school staff won’t intervene unless absolutely necessary but—”

“I’m not a rat.”

“I thought you might say that. Just ignore them and they’ll lose interest eventually.”


But it’s too late. I’m already plotting how to get them back.

Only, I’m not going after Keeley and her friends.

No, I’m going straight to the source.

I’m going after Theo and the Heirs.

* * *

“You didn’t have to wait,” I say the second I step out of my bathroom and find Abi sitting on my bed.

“I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine.” Towelling off my hair, I drop down on the desk chair and let out a small huff.

“You don’t find it easy to let people in, do you?” she adds.

“In my experience, it isn’t worth the hassle.” I shrug.

“I used to think that.”

“What changed?”

“I made friends with Tally and Liv.”

“If you’re here to convince me—”

“I’m not.” Her hands shoot up. “I’m just saying that, sometimes, if you give them a chance, people might surprise you.”

She doesn’t know that I’ve had enough surprises to last me a lifetime.

I’m about to send her on her way but then it hits me, she has a direct link to Theo and the Heirs. Maybe she can be of use to me, after all.

“I guess,” I reply, offering her a glimpse of a smile.

“We can start small.” She beams, and I feel a flicker of guilt.

Abi has been nothing but nice to me. It isn’t fair of me to put her in the middle of this thing between me and Theo and the Heir chasers. But I don’t owe her anything, and if it came down to it, I’m pretty sure I know where her loyalties would lie.

“Yeah, okay.” I say, sealing our fate.
