Page 45 of Brutal Callous Heir

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Hell, we both do.

I might not be able to replace him. But I can sure do something else about his presence in our lives.



“Ishould go,” I say for the third time in less than twenty minutes.

“Come on, Raine. Just a little bit longer.” Millie pouts as she stuffs another spaceship into her mouth and throws the dice onto the game board. “You’re worrying over nothing.”

I’m not worrying, but I can’t exactly tell her that.

“My brother and his friends are all at the party, probably doing things I do not want to be thinking about. No way he’ll turn up here tonight.”

If he does it would throw a serious spanner in the works. But it isn’t likely.

True to his word, Theo has stayed out of my way, and I’ve returned the favour.

“I heard the Heirs’ parties can get kind of crazy,” I say.

It’s all anyone’s talked about all week. Abi even invited me. Of course, I said no. But not before pumping her for some information to aid my cause.

I still don’t know how to feel about the fact she’s friends with them. She’s so… and they’re so…

It’s a little hard to understand. But she’s one of the few people at All Hallows’ who has tried to get to know me.

My eyes dart from our game of Monopoly to the clock on the wall. “It’s getting late.”

“It’s barely even half ten,” she protests.

“Late enough.”

“But I’m dominating. We can’t end it here.”

“We can pick it back up tomorrow.”

“For real?” Her eyes light up at that little tidbit.

“Yeah.” I chuckle. “For real. I had fun tonight.”

It’s the truth, I did.

Who knew playing board games with a wiser-than-her-years twelve-year-old, while eating our body weight in sweets and popcorn would be a good time.

But Millie makes it easy, and I genuinely enjoy her company. Probably something to do with the fact that despite the shadows in her eyes, she doesn’t pretend to be something she’s not. She’s real. Honest. And I appreciate that.

Between us, we manage to move the game board and our little piles of fake money over to her desk.

“You’ll definitely come back and finish it tomorrow?”

“I said I would.” I offer her a reassuring smile.

“Okay, then. I guess I am pretty tired.” A yawn rumbles in her chest as she stretches her arms above her head.

“You never go home on a weekend?”

“Sometimes.” She shrugs. “When I’m summoned.”
