Page 49 of Brutal Callous Heir

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It was awful. And it only got worse when they left us in the clubhouse to ‘catch up.’

The second they were out of the building, he turned his dark, evil eyes on me and demanded to know everything about school this week, why he was getting alerts about Millie being late for class, and demanding to know why we insisted on going back early instead of spending the rest of the holidays with him and Maria.

Completely delusional to the fact that he is the reason we left early, I spewed some bullshit about assignments, deadlines, and exams and tried to move on.

The only thing worse than dealing with Dad’s fiery temper is bringing it up in conversation. I’m pretty sure he blacks out when he fully loses his shit, either that or he’s got a very fucking selective memory.

“Dude, it’s finished. Bring it the fuck over,” Reese demands, forcing me to lift my head up and discover that he’s right.

“Fucking prick,” I mutter, grabbing the mug and delivering it to Tally instead.

“Hey, I thought I was your ride or die, man. I’m fucking right dying here.”

“Maybe if you stopped being such a whiny wanker, he would have given you the first one,” Oak deadpans.

“No wanking here, bro. My girl makes sure I don’t have to— ow,” Reese complains when a coaster flies toward his head. “How is that making this any better?” he mutters, rubbing the sore spot.

“Stop talking about my sister.”

“She’s right here,” Liv pipes up, the coaster in her hand as if she’s going to send it straight back.

“Can you stop fighting?” Tally asks. “My head hurts too much for this.”

Oak’s expression completely changes as he turns to his girl and presses his lips to her temple.

“Sorry, Prim.”

“Pussy,” Reese scoffs, making Liv roll her eyes.

Oakley doesn’t care though, he lets Reese’s comment roll off his back as he takes Tally’s chin in his hand and finds her lips, fully distracting her from her hangover.

I stand there and watch them with a weird tight feeling in my chest as the disappointment I was trying to ignore in the kitchen comes flooding back.

She didn’t come last night. Almost all the sixth form was here, apart from those few we’ve banned from our parties for one reason or another.

It was our first one since she started here, and she didn’t come.

I truly believed that her curiosity would win out. That she’d show her face just to see what all the fuss has been about.

But she didn’t.

All night I watched, waiting for my moment to strike. To forget about the truce we’d agreed to because I knew the moment she stepped in here that all bets would be off.

But she never fucking came.

I shouldn’t be pissed. I had enough chasers to keep me company.

More than I can count suggested that I take them down to the basement to show them a good time.

But I didn’t.

Not a single one of them.

Like a fucking pussy, I stayed up here waiting.

Waiting for the girl who never came while I let others who were more than willing to choke on my dick pass me by.

What the fuck has happened to me?
