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“Eat and get your shit together. This sulking shit isn’t you.”

* * *

Idid as I was told and turned up to my afternoon lessons half-cut. As far as I was aware, my teachers didn’t notice. Not that they’d be brave enough to say anything if they did.

Coach on the other hand, saw it the second I walked into the locker room, and he fucking punished me for it from that moment on.

He worked my arse harder than anyone else’s out on that field. Had me running drills until my legs felt like they were going to fall off and had me on the receiving end of plays until my arm cooperated with my brain and I actually started catching shit and scoring tries.

By the time he let me go, I was fucking dead, and there were three things I wanted more than anything.

A shower. A joint. And my girl.

Two of them I could make happen without much effort.The third, probably not so much.

The second I got back into the locker room, I dug my phone from my pocket and sent off a text to my new dealer. With any luck, he’d be local enough to hand over exactly what I needed.Sure enough, by the time the four of us had finished our showers and let the rest of the team take theirs, I had a message waiting for me letting me know that he’d be waiting in my usual meeting spot.

“You’re late,” he complains as I emerge through the trees to find the hooded figure waiting for me.

I haven’t been in contact since he turned up to our party on Saturday night and scored a whole new list of names to sell his gear to.

He was grateful. Probably why he dropped whatever he was doing this evening to be standing here in the rain with me.

“Got held up,” I mutter, not willing to give this guy any intel other than the fact I like his best weed. “You got what I need?”

“Of course, man.”

Slipping him some money, I wrap my hand around the second thing I’m craving and immediately turn around to take off.

“Theo?” he calls.

“Yeah?” I say over my shoulder.

“You partying again this weekend?”

“You fucking know it. Saturday night. You in?”

“Yeah, man. Your fucking girls are wild.” He grins. “Wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

With a nod, I take off into the night.

Pulling out the bottle of vodka I stashed in my bag before we left the Chapel to go back to class earlier, I twist the top off and throw it into the undergrowth.Something tells me that I’m not going to put the lid back on tonight.

There is a group of girls sitting outside the dorm under the canopy. Almost all of them look up at me but unlike what usually happens, no one makes a move to approach me.

It makes me wonder what they can read on my face.

Lifting the bottle, I take a large swig of the vodka and push forward.My hands tremble and my heart pounds.But it’s not with nerves. I don’t think so, anyway.

It’s determination.

Or at least that’s what I tell myself.

After that pep talk from the guys earlier, I’m ready to try and prove myself. To show Raine that she’s wrong. That she’s running scared, but she doesn’t need to.I’m here. I want to be here. And I really want to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight, keep her together.

I’ve told her things. Things I haven’t even told the guys. And I almost gave her so much more.

If Millie hadn’t turned up yesterday morning, then I probably would have told her everything. All the plans I’ve put into place with Christian and Fiona. All the ways I plan on ruining my father for everything he’s done. How I plan to care for and protect Millie when our life implodes in only a few days’ time.
