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The truth.

Vaughn is gone.

“He’s… he’s dead?” My voice trembles as realisation hits me like a wrecking ball.

“Yeah, sunshine. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

“He can’t—” I throw my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder, emotion flooding out of me.

“Shh, babe. I got you. I got you.” Theo holds me tightly, stroking his hand up and down my spine as I purge every memory, every bruise, every cruel word.

Vaughn hurt me, used me and betrayed me. But he didn’t break me.

Because I’m still here and he’s—

“Dead,” I breathe, finally lifting my face to Theo’s.

He touches his forehead to mine, inhaling a shaky breath. “It’s over, Raine. He’s gone.”


Which means I’m free.

I know there’s a lot of stuff I still need to deal with. Unresolved feelings and trauma. But I needed this.

I needed to know he couldn’t ever hurt me or the people I care about again.

“What are you thinking?” Theo asks, staring intently at me. “Tell me what’s going through your mind.”

“I… I think knowing he was still alive, that he survived…” A violent shudder goes through me as I try to find the words to explain what I mean. “You know, before everything happened, I would let myself imagine staying here with you. Being in your life, for real. But I knew it was silly. I knew that one day he’d find me, or you’d discover the truth—”

“Raine, I—”

“No, Theo. Just let me get this out. I’m not proud of my past. But I did what I needed to in order to survive. I’ve done so many things… Things I wish I could erase. But meeting you, meeting Millie and the girls, hell, even the boys… for the first time, I got to experience what it’s like to have a family.

“And I wanted it. God, I wanted it so much.” Silent tears roll down my cheeks as I squeeze my eyes shut.

“Raine, look at me,” Theo coaxes, brushing his hand along my jaw.

When I finally open them again, I tumble headfirst into him, the love written all over his face.

“I’m right here. Nothing about your past or who you were is going to change that. I fell in love with you, sunshine. The girl you are because of what you’ve survived. I love all your pieces, even the broken ones.”

“Theo—” A garbled sob rushes up my throat as I finally hear what he’s saying.

As I finally let myself believe it.

The air crackles around us as he watches me. Gazes at me like I’m the most important thing in his world.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” he whispers, his lips hovering right over mine. As if he’s waiting for my permission.

But this time, I don’t pull away.

Moving closer, my lips curving as the distance disappears between us. I brush my mouth over his, my heart leaping at the small contact.

“Do your worst, Ashworth,” I breathe.

And then he kisses me.
