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“What? Why?” The curtain is ripped open, and Millie stands there gawking at me.

“Do you mind?” I spit but her face splits into a wide grin. “What?”

“You look… holy crap, my brother is going to die.”

“I can’t buy this dress Millie. It’s three hundred and fifty pounds.”

“So? Theo told you to get whatever—”

“Exactly. It’s too much. Let’s go to another shop.”

“No. This is the one, Raine. This is the dress. He won’t be able to look away.”

“I…” I turn around and stare at myself in the mirror again. It really does look like it was made for me. “Yeah, okay,” I breathe, hardly able to believe it.

But I’ve never had this before, and I’ll probably never have it again.

“Right choice, Raine.” Millie giggles. “I can’t wait to see his reaction. Do you have shoes? Oh, we need to get you a bag too.”

“Millie, I don’t want to go crazy.”

She whips out Theo’s credit card and grins. “We’re girls. My brother will expect nothing less.”

* * *

“Iam so stuffed.” Millie slumps back in the booth and rubs her stomach.

“I said you wouldn’t need the extra portion of fries.”

“But they’re so good.” She grins, and I shake my head at her.

After Millie loaded me up with a matching clutch bag and shoes, we headed to a local restaurant for something to eat.

It’s been nice, hanging out with her. Spending some time away from All Hallows’. She seems like herself again. The shadows of her father’s recent abuse are long gone. But I know that kind of hurt doesn’t disappear. You just get really good at burying it.

“How do you feel about the party?” I ease into it.

She shrugs, focusing on her Coke. “It is what it is. It’s Theo’s eighteenth. It’s not like I can’t not go.”

“You could—”

“I know what you’re doing.” She glances up at me.

“Oh yeah?”

“I’ve been in therapy for a long time, Raine.”

“Fine, okay. Maybe that wasn’t the most subtle lead in. But I want you to know you can talk to me about this.”

“There’s nothing to say. My father is… he’s not a good person.”

“At least you’ll have me tomorrow night. We can stick together.” Something tells me I’ll need a friend too.

“One look at you in that dress and Theo won’t let you out of his sight.”

“We’ll see.” I wink at her. “I had fun today.”

“Me too.” She smiles, before shuffling out of the booth. “I need to pee. I’ll be right back.”
