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Millie weaves her way across the restaurant, and I take a moment to check my phone, smiling at the two messages from Theo.

Theo: Can I at least get a sneak peek later?

Theo: Come on, sunshine, you’re killing me here. Mills said I’m going to owe her big time when I see it, which has me all kinds of intrigued.

I text him back.

Raine: Nope. No seeing the goods until tomorrow night.

Theo: Spoilsport.

Raine: I’m sure you can handle it.

Another text comes through, but it isn’t from Theo.

With shaky fingers, I open the message.

Vaughn: You look beautiful tonight.

Icy cold fear races down my spine as I glance at the glass windows overlooking the street.

Vaughn stands there, watching.

Raine: What do you want?

Vaughn: Just checking in on my investment. Time’s a ticking baby.

Inhaling a shaky breath, I text him back.

Raine: You shouldn’t be here.

Vaughn: How is the sister? Millie, is it?

Raine: I swear to God, Vaughn…

I glance up again, but he’s gone. I don’t feel even an ounce of relief though.

My phone dings again, and my heart sinks.

Vaughn: I’ll see you soon, baby. I’ll see you real soon.



I’m early.

Stupidly fucking early. But I can’t wait any longer.

I’ve been pacing back and forth in my room since the moment I got back from practice. Wishing that I could hit fast forward on the clock and wake up tomorrow morning with my girl in my arms and our father exactly where he should be.

For years, I’ve been dreaming about this night. About finally proving who our father really is and committing him to a life of punishment for everything he’s forced on us over the years.

I should be excited. I guess a part of me is, but really, I just want it over.

I’m exhausted. I’ve barely slept all week, just tossing and turning as different scenarios for tonight play out in my mind. Some scenarios where the plan goes off without a hitch, and others where it goes disastrously wrong.

I might be confident in everything Christian and Fiona have done but there’s still a tiny part of me that fears Dad knows. That while I’ve been busting my arse to bring him down, he’s on the other end of this case getting all of his evidence in place to prove his innocence.
