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“Stay away from me and stay the fuck away from Millie. You’re dead to me, Raine. And if you have any fucking sense, you’ll leave sooner rather than later. Because when everyone finds out what you did, that you’re nothing more than some poor, desperate skank, after all, your life won’t be worth living at All Hallows’.”

I suck in a sharp breath, his words landing like bullets.

“Theo, I—”

But he’s gone, blowing out of my room like a violent storm. The door slams behind him and I flinch, my heart stuttering in my chest.

I drop to the edge of the bed, letting the tears fall.

I couldn’t stop them if I tried.

* * *

No one else visits, not that I expect them to.

By now, my name is probably mud among the Heirs and their inner circle.

I broke Theo.

I broke his heart and, in the process, I shattered my own.

But maybe it’s better this way.

Better that he hates me than spends his days wondering why I left.

Why I ran.

I finish writing the note to Millie and tuck it into the envelope. It’s too risky to go and see her, to say all the things I want to say.

But I can’t leave without sayingsomething.

Grabbing my bag, I throw it over my shoulder and glance around the room one last time.

When I first arrived at All Hallows’, I thought it would become just another cage. But it wasn’t that at all. Meeting Theo—meeting the girls and even the other Heirs—showed me that life can be better. It can be filled with fun and laughter… and love.

My heart squeezes but I shut it down.

I shut it all down, pushing my time here, my memories, into a little box and closing the lid.

I can’t be this girl anymore.

Not for what I’m about to do.

But maybe, one day, I can find her again.

Maybe when this is all over, I can let the memories out and remember the boy who taught me how to love without limits.



The front door crashes back against the ancient brickwork of the Chapel as I storm inside.

Everything hurts. Worse than when I woke up with a raging hangover. Now it’s not just my head and my limbs, it’s carved deep into my chest. The kind of unbearable pain you hear about in songs and watch on awful sappy rom-coms where people try to make you believe that a broken heart is a real thing.

I thought it was bullshit.

No one has the power to shatter the most powerful organ in our bodies.
