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I could have made the move first.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I open my messages and find my last chat with Keeley.

If you can’t beat them, join them, right?

Fuck you, Raine Storm.

Fuck. You.



Isit quietly, tapping my finger against the bar. The bartender, a gorgeous dark-haired man with twinkling blue eyes catches my attention and offers me a flirty smile.

For a second, I pretend that I’m here to meet someone like him. Young. Handsome. Respectable.

The kind of man who will show me a good time.

Not the kind of man currently heading toward me with a wicked glint in his eyes.

“Drinking alone?” Stanley Harris asks as I swirl the stirrer in my cocktail.

“My date stood me up.” I bat my lashes, offering him a sad smile.

“Your date must be an idiot. Pretty young girl like you”—his eyes rake over me, lingering and leering, but I block it all out—“I’d empty my whole damn schedule for a date with a girl like you.”

“That’s very kind of you to say.” I chuckle softly, taking a sip of my drink.

My almost empty drink.

“Can I get you another one?”

“I’d like that.” I flip my hair off my shoulder, drawing his eye to my neckline.

It’s nothing I haven’t done twenty times before. But this time feels different.

Because this time, I’m in love with somebody.

A deep sense of grief fills my chest.

It’s been hours since I left All Hallows’.

Millie would have found my note by now. Theo will know that I’m gone for good.

His expression still haunts me, the shock and disbelief in his eyes, the utter devastation.

He never said the words, but I’d felt them.

And now I’ll never hear them.

I’ll never know what it feels like to be someone’s person.

The centre of somebody’s universe.

I shove the crushing sense of hopelessness down, focusing on the task at hand.

Just a few more hours and then I’ll be free…
