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“Of course you have,” I murmur.

“Your time here at All Hallows’ is coming to an end, and naturally, he wants to ensure you go out as strong as possible,” he explains.

Although something tells me he’s rephrased my father’s actual words and softened them a little.

“I’m more than aware of that, Coach. Trust me, I’m doing my best to stand up against Golden Boy’s legacy.”

“Elliot,” Coach sighs, rubbing his jaw.

“It’s fine, Coach. Really. I’m more than used to his bullshit.”

“Son, I?—”

“Seriously. Everything is under control. My grades are good, great actually, and as you said, the team is looking promising. I’ve got this in the bag.”

He assesses me ominously. He knows as well as I do that anything I achieve will never be good enough for the infamous Johnathon Eaton.

His Golden Boy set the bar very high during his time here. It doesn’t matter if I shatter that bar into smithereens, it’ll never be good enough. And that is something I just have to live with.

One day I won’t have to live up to the impossibly high standards he holds me to, and I won’t have to constantly compete with Scott despite knowing that I’ll only ever fail.

One day…

One fucking day.

“Is that all, Coach?”

His eyes bounce between mine, I fear seeing more than I’m willing to let anyone see.“Something isn’t right with you, Eaton. I can sense it.”

“Coach,” I complain.

He holds his hands up in defence. “I know. I know. I just… I’m here, okay? Whatever it is. I’m here.”

“I know, Coach. And I appreciate it more than you know.”

With an almost genuine smile, I let myself out of his office and continue down toward the locker room.It’s already in chaos when I walk through to find my spot beside Reese, Oak and Theo.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Theo barks.

“Meeting with Coach,” I explain, toeing off my shoes and pulling my tie free so I don’t have to stop and think about what he just said.

He’s right. Something isn’t right with me. But then, what’s new there?

Something has been wrong with me since the day I was born.

My surname.

* * *

Practice is exactly what I need. Coach works us until my legs can barely continue. It’s cold, and the rain is torrential, battering us. Most of my teammates hate it and spend the entire session bitching. But I love it.

I never feel more alive than when I’m covered in mud, raindrops drip from my hair, my heart beats so hard I can barely catch my breath. It’s heaven. Or as close as I’ll ever get.

“Plans tonight, boys?” Oak says once the four of us are standing in the showers. Something we get to do alone thanks to us being Heirs.

Everyone else on the team has to wait their turn. It’s pretty fucking sweet.

“Taking Liv out for dinner,” Reese answers first.
