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I know that I should probably tell them the truth. But what good will that do? They’ll all worry and regret leaving her. And that would only pile extra guilt onto Abigail.

“Is she making any kind of progress?” she asks too fucking hopeful.

“We had pizza together.” Okay, so it’s not entirely true but it’s all I’ve got.

“Okay, good… That’s good.”

“Just enjoy your holiday, yeah. I’ve got this.”

I definitely do not have this.

“I can’t help it,” she says. “The last time we saw her before we left, she looked so… broken.”

“She’ll be okay,” I assure her. The words hold much more confidence than I feel.

Nothing but Liv’s heavy sigh fills the line. I feel her concern right down to my soul.

“I really hope so. This holiday was a mistake.”

“Or it might be the time she needs without the three of you mothering her.”

“Elliot,” she warns.

“Trust me, yeah. I’ve got this.”

“Can you get her to call one of us, please? If we could just talk to her then?—”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I promise. “Go and enjoy yourself.”

“Okay, okay. Although, it’s not the same without you both here.”

“I’m sure you’ve barely noticed I’m missing,” I say, trying to ignore the stab of pain to the chest my words cause.

“Don’t be silly. No one is cleaning up the villa behind us.”

“Ha, you’re funny.”

Liv shrieks down the line. “Gotta go, Reese is?—”

The line goes dead but I don’t immediately lower my phone from my ear.

Indecision wars within me.

Maybe I should have gone and left this place behind.

I shake my head, thinking of her again. Not that I’ve really stopped since the moment I walked out of her dorm room yesterday.

Yeah, I was never going anywhere.

Well, not unless Abigail went with them.

Pushing to my feet, I pick everything up and place them in the cabinet under the basin before washing my hands and splashing my face.

Lifting my head, I stare at myself in the mirror, hating the reflection that stares back at me.Evidence of my lack of sleep is right there, the shadows I spend most of my days fighting are beginning to encroach, darkening my eyes.

There’s only one way I know that will help banish them.I’ve just got to hope that by the time I get to where I need to be that something a little more positive will greet me.
