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But right now, it’s not about me and what I want or need.

It’s about Abigail.

“Yeah, just… don’t fucking touch anything.”

“Could say the same to you, Eaton,” Liv counters before the sound of the door opening and then their voices as they disappear inside hit my ears.

I close my eyes, trying to picture what she’s doing right now. Has she managed to pull her mask on in an attempt to hide just how much pain she’s in, or is she falling apart?

Pain slices through my chest.

I know that what I just did barely scratches the surface of the hurt she’s suffering with. But it didn’t help.

I promised myself that I’d do whatever it took to help, to support her through this, and all I’ve done is make it worse.

“Ah, here he is. Mr. Casa-fucking-nova himself,” Theo taunts.

“Fuck off,” I scoff, making a beeline for the coffee machine. “It’s not what it looked like.”

I don’t look over my shoulder, but I sense them moving closer. Their intrigue over the situation getting the better of them.

“Oh, so I didn’t see you snuggled up in your massive bed with Abi wrapped up in your arms then?”

I swallow thickly.

That’s exactly what he fucking saw and he knows it too.

“We fell asleep watching a movie,” I lie again.

“Sure,” Reese adds as a chair is pulled back from the dining table.

“You could have watched a movie down here. Or in her dorm room,” Oak says. I don’t need to look at him to know he’s grinning like a smug motherfucker.

“Yeah, well we didn’t. We watched in my room.”

“In your bed,” Theo tags on.

“Yes. Is there a fucking problem with that?” I snap, finally spinning around to glare at them.

“I don’t know, is there?” Reese asks, studying me closely, as are the other two knobheads. “You seem especially prickly about it.”

“She’s suffering. She lost her only living parent. Life has been shit. I was just— Fuck it. Do you know what? Think what you like.” Abandoning my coffee, I march across the room and throw open the door to the entry hall so hard the door crashes back against the solid stone wall.

Finding my trainers, I roughly tug them on my feet before standing and combing my fingers through my hair.

“Where are you going?” Theo asks.

“For a run. And don’t even think about following me.”

“Jesus. You’d think he'd be happier after spending the night with a girl,” Oak teases, making my teeth grind as I pull the front door open and get blasted by a shot of ice-cold air.

My skin immediately erupts with goosebumps, but I don’t double back for a hoodie or a coat. Instead, I embrace the chill, and use it to push me forward.

Without another word, I take off into the morning fog. I cut around the back of the building and jog around the outskirts of the field that separates the Chapel from the rest of the school.

When I’m on the other side, I pause and rest my hands on my knees.My breath comes out in white clouds as my heart pounds.

Once I’ve caught my breath, I spin around and stare at the imposing building I just ran from.But there’s only one place my eyes go to the window right in the middle.
