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“Lauren has applied for the same course as you,” Zoey adds.

I wonder if she had any choice over that…

Forcing a smile onto my face, I step forward and hold my hand out.I might have been blindsided by this, but I won’t be rude. It’s not her fault she’s been dragged into the middle of this shitshow.

“Fantastic. There is a table booked for the four of you at The Manor. The car will be here any moment.”

Lauren slips her hand into mine. It’s warm. Soft. But I don’t feel anything. Not a fucking thing.

“I’ve no doubt that Elliot will show you a good time tonight. Won’t you, Son.”

My head is spinning so hard that I miss movement to my left and before I know what’s happening, his hand lands on my shoulder. My muscles instantly lock up, and before my brain has registered the move, my arm has lifted and I’m shoving him away.

The second I make contact with him, I realise my mistake.

My eyes meet his, and I take a step back when all I find is the promise of a whole world of pain if—when—I fuck this up.



“Abi, wait up,” Ethan calls after me as I try to get into the building without drawing attention to myself.

“How was your weekend?” He pulls open the door for me and I gawk up at him.

“What are you doing?”

“I thought I was being friendly but let me guess, chivalry really is dead.” The corner of his mouth quirks with amusement and despite knowing better, I find myself returning his smile.

“You weren’t in class Friday,” he says, not giving me a chance to tell him goodbye. Or tell him anything really.

“I wasn’t feeling well.”

“Yeah, I remember those days.” He motions for me to go on in, so I do. Grateful to get out of the elements.

It feels as if the weather mimics my mood today. Thick grey clouds hanging overhead blocking out the early spring sun; the damp, cold air making it a little hard to breathe.

It’s miserable out.

And misery loves company.

“Have you talked to the doc—” I cut him with a withering look and he falters. “Shit, sorry.” He holds up his hands. “None of my business.”

“No, I’m sorry.” I heave a sigh. “It’s just… hard. And we’re not exactly friends.”

“We could be.”

“Why?” I stare up at him, aware that people are watching.

“Because we all need a friend sometimes. Besides, I know what it’s like. To lose your parents.”

If he thinks I want to bond over our loss, he’s wrong. But I can’t deny something deep inside me yearns for a friend. Someone who truly gets it.

It feels strangely wrong to be talking to him though. Like a betrayal. Which is silly. I don’t owe Elliot anything. He isn’t mine and despite once wishing I was his, I’m not.

Still, even though I know better, I can’t stop myself from imagining how I’d feel if I found out Elliot had a new friend. Some pretty girl to share all his secrets with.

Pain locks around my heart like a vice.

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