Page 126 of Lawless

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I might love my coffee steaming hot, but apparently, I’m not as much of a masochist as I thought because I’m getting very little satisfaction from the burn.

But that doesn’t stop me from sinking the rest of my body into the scalding water.

The second my balls make contact, all the air rushes from my lungs, but it’s still not enough to stop me.

And thank fuck it doesn’t because the second I slide my legs on either side of Alana’s hips, she leans back into me.

Sliding lower, I wrap my arms around her and take her with me.

The moment we’re settled and she’s comfortably snuggled on my chest, she breaks.

Her body trembles violently and her loud sobs fill the air.

I’ve never felt more useless in all my life, but I do the only thing I can, I hold her tighter and hope that it’s enough.



I’ve no idea how long Alana sobs on my chest. All I do know is that I have to let some of the water out and refill the tub to keep it warm and that the sun began to rise behind the trees in the distance.

It has all the makings of the most romantic morning ever. But reality stops that from being the case. I’m not even sure if she notices the sunrise as her tears continue to flood my chest and her soft cries fill the room.

Other than twisting the faucet for hot water, I never let her go.

Eventually, her sobs subside and the trembling ceases.

I start to wonder if she’s fallen asleep on my chest. I wouldn’t put it past her. She must be exhausted after everything she’s been through.

But suddenly she speaks, startling me.

“Who is she?” she whispers.

“Who’s—” I begin to ask before realization hits. “Aubrey. She’s an acquaintance of mine.”

Shifting, she tips her head to look up at me and lifts a brow.

The sight of her bloodshot, red-ringed eyes does things to me.

I’ve seen so many women cry over the years, but never has one affected me like this one.

I almost miss the silent accusation in her expression as I lose myself in her watery depths and my own regret.

“A friend,” I finally add.

She nods, although I can still see her suspicion over my relationship with Aubrey.

“There has never been anything between us. You’ve nothing to worry about,” I assure her.

Her entire body tenses at my words.

“I’m not worried,” she mutters quietly. “Just curious.”

“Sure you are,” I tease lightly. “That’s why you wanted to claw her eyes out earlier, because you were curious.”

“I did not,” she argues, showing me a little bit of her fire. “I just didn’t know who she was, and she was here and—”

“She found you, Pet. We wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for her. We owe her everything.”
