Page 25 of Lawless

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What I’d just told them… I needed it gone. And the best way to make that happen is to lose myself in pleasure. To use what had been forced on me almost my entire life and turn it around. To take pleasure out of it on my terms. And to trust the man I’m with not to take it too far.

I gasp, my hand falling from my throat as my other arm drops to my side.

A laugh tumbles from my lips as I realize what’s happened.

I trust him. Reid ‘The Devil’ Harris.

Blowing out a slow calming breath, I stare out at the ocean and let its serenity wash over me.

We might be gone, but something tells me that we won’t be forgotten.

Reid might be fighting his own battle against his father, but I also know that he’s fighting for me too. For me, for Kristie, and all the other girls and women who have come both before and after us.

He’s going to do it, and then somehow, we’re going to dive into the whole trafficking ring and we’re going to get the answers I crave about my sister.

I’ve no idea where I’ll be once I know the truth, but at least I’ll know. No matter how painful that might be.

I sense Mav’s closeness long before the heat of his body burns my back and his hands land on my hips.

A whimper escapes my throat when he nuzzles at my neck, peppering kisses along the sensitive skin.

“You look so beautiful down here,” he whispers, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Leaning into him, I rest my head against his shoulder and close my eyes as his arms band around my waist.

“Kristie would have loved it here. The beach was her happy place.”

He doesn’t respond, but his arms tighten and he presses another kiss to the spot that turns me to mush beneath my ear.

It’s everything.

We stand there together for the longest time with the shallow water lapping at our feet and the warm fall air blowing around us.

No words are said; they’re not needed. I feel everything he wants me to in his strong embrace.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” he finally whispers. Goose bumps erupt as his breath dances across my skin.

“Oh yeah?” I whisper.

Excitement tingles inside me, but as much as I want to know what he’s done, I also want this moment to stretch out into eternity.

Just the two of us surrounded by nothing but the wind.

I guess it’s too perfect for us anyway.

It’s a fight not to sob in disappointment when he releases me, but I put my trust in him and what he’s done and allow him to guide me back up to the cabin.

The scent of the bubble bath hits me the second I turn the corner in the master bedroom, the one I fell in love with.

“Mav,” I sigh the second my eyes land on the tub, “you found candles.”

“I haven’t got any champagne though.”

I shake my head. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

Spinning around, I rest my arms over his shoulders and stretch up on my toes to brush a sweet kiss over his lips.

“Take as long as you like. Relax. I know shit is weird, but there is nothing to do but chill out here. Make the most of it.”You’ve been through enough.
