Page 72 of Jack of Diamonds

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“Then I take it you’ll have no issue with me defiling you again?” I asked, grinning at her seductively. “After all, I’ve already fucked you twice. I’ll fuck you all night, as long as you don’t breathe a word to anyone.”

“Not a word,” she agreed. I watched as she sat up straighter, then began to gently roll her hips. I held still, letting her use me however she wanted. “I promise I won’t tell a single soul.”

* * *



Studying my cheek and my neck in the long mirror that ran the length of the dimly lit practice courtyard, I couldn’t believe how well my injuries from last night had healed. The deep gashes and bruises from the bunny bites and vampire bites were gone without a trace. Jack’s blood was a magic salve...just a few drops and my skin looked good as new.

Better, actually. It was flawless.

I leaned closer and wrinkled my forehead, wondering if vampire blood could work the same as Botox. Maybe it was better.

If only I knew a guy for that...

I hummed in satisfaction, then leaned deeper into my warm-up stretches, savoring the delicious ache left over from Jack coming completely undone in my arms....and coming in me and on me for most of the night. The events of the previous night played vividly in my mind, and I wasn’t ready for it to end. I didn’t want to let go of the memory of Jack’s touch, his warm breath against my skin.

It was still an hour before dawn, and I hadn’t gotten any sleep, but it didn’t matter. I felt an exhilarating energy coursing through every fiber of my being. Every nerve ending in my body was awake and alive. The aftermath of our passionate encounter left me feeling alive and invigorated. There was no denying the intoxicating effect that Jack had on me.

I wanted him again.

And again.

“I thought I’d find you here.” A silky yet serious voice broke through the silence of the courtyard. Startled, I glanced around but saw no one in the mirror’s reflection. “Chess?” I called out with uncertainty.

Within a few seconds, he materialized a few feet away from me, dressed to the nines in a black tux with vivid green tiger stripes. The only thing missing from his ensemble was his characteristic grin.

“Where’s Jack? Shouldn’t he be training you?”

“He will, after he gets some breakfast,” I replied, arching my arms over my head before bending to the left. “He doesn’t want to train me on an empty stomach.”

“Seems like he should’ve taken care of that by this hour...”

Chess still wasn’t smiling. I pulled myself up to my feet and spun around to face him. He leaned in and with effortless feline grace, dipped down to breathe in the warmth radiating between my legs, beneath my breasts, and along my neck.

Then he shook his head in disapproval.

“Tsk, tsk, fucked him, didn’t you?”

“What? No!”

Chess shot me a rare, stern look. “Alice...don’t lie to me. I know you didn’t sleep in your own bed last night.”

I folded my arms across my chest, trying my hardest to look innocent.

“Maybe I was with Ransom.”

Chess grinned just a little bit wider.

“Well, that can’t be true, becauseIwas with Ransom last night.”

Now it was my turn to be curiouser and curiouser.

“You mean werewithhim? I know he goes both ways.”

The Cheshire Cat demon stifled a laugh.
