Page 84 of Buried Under Ice

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Lark’s breath rushed out.Nate was surrounded.Midas behind him.Oliver in front of him.Nate had to surrender.


“Gun!”Midas shouted.

And Lark saw that Nate had just shoved his hand into his coat and he was pulling out a gun.Aiming it at—

“Everywhere,” Nate breathed.

Oliver rushed toward him.He lunged fast and he—

“Nowhere,” Nate finished.He pulled the trigger just as Oliver slammed into him.The bullet exploded from the gun, but it didn’t go into Nate’s head.

He’d been planning to shoot himself.He’d brought the barrel of the gun right under his chin.

The bullet blasted into the ceiling and a broken chunk of plaster fell to the floor.

Oliver wrenched the gun from Nate’s hand and tossed it aside.“That’s not how you’re going out.”

Lark crept forward.Blood covered the left side of Nate’s face.

“Get an ambulance!”Oliver snarled at Midas.“Bullet cut straight across his cheek on its way up, but he is one lucky bastard.”

Nate turned his head toward her.

She could hear Midas calling the ambulance.

Everett and Shannon had just rushed into the work room, too.Shannon was—maybe reading Nate his rights?

Oliver put his hand over the wound on Nate’s shoulder.

And Nate just kept staring at her.An unblinking gaze.“You will…” He barely breathed the words.It was more her just seeing the movement of his lips and knowing what he meant… “Die, too.”

“Only overmyfucking dead body,” Oliver swore right back.“And you will never, ever get near her again.”

Chapter Fifteen

“I don’t need to be here.”Lark glowered at Oliver.“I can’t believe you made me ride in an ambulance.”

She couldn’t believe it?He put his hands on the exam table—the table she was currently sitting on—and leaned in close.His fingers brushed against the thin hospital gown she wore.“The prick slammed his flashlight into the side of your head.You could have a concussion.”Those moments kept replaying in his head.

Right there.For the second time, I was right there.The bastard had slammed the heavy flashlight into Lark’s temple, and she’d gone down.Just crumpled.Oliver had roared her name even as Nate wrapped a freaking rope around her neck.

His fingers rose to touch her neck.“Already bruising.”

She flinched.“It…doesn’t hurt.”

“The hell it doesn’t.”Nate had tightened that rope around her neck as hard as he could.

Her hand lifted and curled around his wrist.“You saved him.”

Maybe I should have let him shoot himself.One less threat to Lark in the world.“He’s not saved.He’ll go to jail once he gets patched up.”But I have a few questions for him first.And wasn’t that why he’d really saved the prick?


There is a piece that doesn’t fit.

“Yousavedhim,” Lark insisted.“He was going to kill himself.Right there, right in front of us all.”
