Page 21 of Kindness

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Spiderpicksuponthe second ring, “We are almost done with the clean-up pres, and Talia is safe back at Edna and Vicks; we have a couple of the brothers staying there tonight. Blake and Austin are on guard duty at the front gate, while Steve and Mark are at the back. Most of Cadel’s men are dead, and the few that did escape are severely wounded, so I doubt we will have any more issues, at least for a while,” he reports.

“Great, get your ass to the clubhouse; we have a guest that you need to meet,” I tell him with a chuckle.

“I’ll be right there. Just gotta pick up some tools from the house first.” He hangs up; I pocket my phone and turn with a grin.

“He’s on his way.” Tamara looks wide-eyed at us, “Do you see us as monsters yet, princess?” She shakes her head at me; how she can still look at us the way she is at the moment astounds me; most girls would be running for the hills, but instead, she remains sitting, watching as the events unfold. “You realise, princess, there’s no way we can let you leave now. Your ours, no one can take you from us, we won’t allow it,” I say as I plant a searing kiss on her lips. It takes all my restraint to pull away from her, but I have to focus on our task.

“Wait a fucking minute,” Dax pipes up; he and Damon have been silent this entire time, so I have to wonder what has made them decide to speak now, “how the fuck do you know Talia’s pregnant,” Dax demands. Shit! Realisation slams into my chest, we always thought we had the upper hand, but it seems that someone within my MC has been talking to the enemy.

“Who,” I snarl as I get in Thomas’s face the fucker merely grins at me; he looks like a fucking clown because this smile is all wide and toothy; he knows who it is, but whether he tells us or not is a different story.

“You really should be careful who you choose to share your bed with,” he says pointedly, grinning like a maniac at Slade. It all clicks into place, the whole reason Vivica hated Tamara from the beginning, her whining about how unfair it was that Tamara had a job working the bar when it should have been one of the club girls.

“That bitch is dead,” Tamara seethes, “I WANT HER FUCKING HEAD ON A PIKE!” she roars as she stands from her seat; she moves so fast that her seat falls over from the force of her getting up. Thomas watches his daughter, pride shining in his eyes as he watches her pace back and forth, “she’s done. I will kill her for this,” the venom in her tone sends a shiver of need down my spine, bloodlust shining in her gorgeous green depths makes me want to fuck her right here, but I reign in my need.

Heavy footsteps come along the corridor; Spider comes into view, “who are we killing?” he asks with a chuckle as he enters the room, “damn boys, you started the party without me,” he says as he sets his bag down on one of the worktops, “I need the trolley,” is all he says as he begins pulling tools out of his bag. The twins walk out of the room, returning moments later with ‘the trolley’, which is an old metal frame of a hospital bed; it has elasticated ropes along it, which are used to make sure whoever is attached doesn't accidentally fall off. Jace and Slade release Thomas from the confines of the chains; his legs barely hold him up, and he almost falls over.

They drag him over to the table, and once he’s on top, get to work with the restraints, binding his wrists and ankles, then bringing the last strap up and over his head, attaching it under his chin to tilt his head up, once Thomas is secure the guys step back and stare at him for a second before moving away completely to let Spider dole out his own justice.

“I was too young to remember Talia being taken, but I know the plans that you had for my wife; I have to say, what kind of man gets his kicks from torturing little girls? Personally, a man like that needs to be shot, but in your case, I think we need to set a little bit more of an example, wouldn’t you agree?” Thomas doesn't speak as Spider continues to taunt him; I watch Tamara to see how she is handling the whole thing, her body is relaxed, far from how I expected her to be, but I can see one leg bouncing a little bit, which tells me that she might be feeling a little bit of anxiety in this situation.

“You can leave if you want to, princess,” I say as I stand on her right side; she shakes her head at me but doesn't speak. Slade comes to stand on her left side while the twins move to stand behind her.

“I need to see this,” she whispers just as Spider thrusts a screwdriver into her father’s chest.

“Fuck you,” her father spits at Spider, “when my men come for me, I’ll be sure to let your pregnant slut watch you die, but not before you watch them have their fun with her,” Thomas taunts Spider. Spider’s mask is slipping; I can see the darkness creeping in his eyes, his need for revenge growing as his thirst for blood heightens. He throws the screwdriver behind him and pulls a hunting knife out of his bag; he carves a line down Thomas’s chest, splitting him open like a coconut; the ear-splitting scream that comes from the man is music to my ears.

“Finally, we are getting somewhere,” I murmur as Spider continues to work; Thomas is choking on his blood right now, bringing a smile to my face; Tamara looks shocked and a little relieved.

“You’re not going to live long enough for anyone to try and rescue you. I really wish you hadn’t just threatened my family, but you’re clearly an idiot,” Spider says as he begins pulling Thomas’s insides to the outside. Thomas has gone deadly silent, which draws all our attention; even Spider stops what he’s doing, “fuck! You bastard, you’ve gone and died on me, haven't you,” he says as he puts his knife down and turns to us with blood dripping down his entire body.

“I’m sorry,” he says as he turns and leaves the room. Tamara silently shakes, then sobs, tears running freely down her face.

“I’m free,” she says as her body sags with relief. My body tenses because that means she can leave us and go home if she chooses, the reality of the situation slams into my chest like a brick hitting a window. “Actually…” she pauses, “I’m not yet; Aiden and his father are still out there looking for me.”

“We won’t let them take you away from us, baby girl; you’re ours now,” Jace states matter of factly. He looks around the room at the rest of us, his brother nodding his head. It’s not like Noah to agree, but he seems to be quite fond of Tamara.

“We will deal with Aiden and his arsehole of a dad, sweet cheeks, once we clean this shit up,” Damon says as he and Dax start helping Spider with wrapping Thomas’s body in a tarp.

Chapter 15


Sheremainsquiettheentire time that her father’s body is being wrapped. Most women would be freaking out, but not her; she just sits there, watching the whole thing happen. I’ll admit when she first got here, all I saw her was as a job, but the more I watched and saw the way she was with everyone, I slowly started to realise that she’s so much fucking more than that. When she walks into a room, she has the attention of every guy in it, and honestly, it makes me wanna kill anyone who so much as glances her way. No woman has ever made me feel like that. Ever.

“You good brother?” Jace asks, his voice as always pulls me from my own head. He has always been good at pulling my head out of my ass. I nod as I continue watching her; she must sense it because she turns and locks eyes with me. The breath gets knocked out of me; she’s fucking stunning even now in this moment when she should be looking at us like the monsters, we are, she just smiles.

“She doesn’t need to see what happens next; why don’t you take her upstairs and get her some food?” Jace says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I walk towards her.

“You hungry?” I ask just as her stomach growls, which has her blushing, “I’ll take that a yes then,” I say as I scoop her up into my arms, carrying her out of the basement and up the stairs. She snuggles into my chest, her long red hair brushing against my nose. She smells fucking amazing, like honey and vanilla, it's addicting.

I put her down as we reach the top step of the basement; she stands on wobbly legs. The adrenaline from earlier must be leaving her system; I better get some food in her before she crashes. Entering the kitchen, I notice that Frankie has left sandwiches for us, so I load two plates and walk into the bar area, Tamara follows silently behind me; I put our plates down on one of the tables and sit down; Tamara flops down right next to me. Typically being so close to a woman like this would freak me the fuck out but right now, with her I don’t mind one fucking bit.

I watch as her eyes bug out of her head at the sheer amount of food on my plate. I’ve always loved food, but because of the calories I burn when I work out, I don’t have to worry about how much I’m eating. She looks down at the plates, then at me, almost as if she’s weighing the options,and thendigs in.

“So, have you always been this much of a bastard, or do you save it all just for me?” she asks once she’s finished eating. I stare at her for a minute before throwing caution to the wind. I push my plate away and stand.
