Page 20 of Kindness

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Noahleadsustowardsthe clubhouse, my father’s head lolling to the side as he goes. We head into the clubhouse, which is currently devoid of any people because most of the members will be cleaning up the mess, thankfully the guys didn’t lose too many men, the guys head straight for the basement, and I can’t help but think about how twenty-four hours ago I felt that they were going to kill me down there.

They head straight past the cells and to a room at the very end of the basement; this room is tiled from floor to ceiling, and there’s a strong chemical odour that makes me wrinkle my nose. I can only guess what this room is used for, and honestly, I know that this is going to be the place where my father dies. It’s almost bittersweet. I feel guilty for feeling lost and yet relieved that my father will soon feel pain; I mean, no daughter should feel happy about that, right?

On the back wall is a set of chains which Noah uses to secure my father; his toes barely touch the floor, and his arms look seconds from dislocating; it’s a pity that he’s still out cold because I’m sure that position hurts like a bitch.Slade grins at me as he sits me down on a seat in the middle of the room.

“You don’t have to be here for this, baby girl,” Jace says as he leans beside me. I turn and look at him, tears shining in my eyes because as much as I don’t want to see this, my father has to pay for what happened tonight, and honestly, he has to pay for all the times that he’s assaulted me.

“Are you sure you want to watch this?” Zayde asks me as he crouches down in front of me; I nod my head, not trusting myself to use any words because I’m scared that if I speak, then I'll chicken out. But I need to see this. Noah and Slade place a trolley in the corner, and then Jace pulls what looks like an old-fashioned hospital bed frame into the middle of the room; it reminds me of a rack that they used to use to torture people back in the old days. My eyes widen as I watch them methodically work together in silence to get everything ready; Jace reaches under one of the units and pulls out the bag of his torture tools.

“Please don’t think less of us for what we’re about to do, gorgeous,” Noah states, his nickname a shock to my system because, honestly, this is the most that he has spoken to me since I got here, and I’m kind of freaking out over his sudden change of attitude. A groan pulls my focus back to where my father still hangs.

“Ah, it seems our guest is awake,” Jace says with a smirk as my father’s eyes widen while he takes in his surroundings.

“You stupid little slut,” he wheezes; Zayde moves so fucking fast that I barely have time to register what’s happening, that is, until the sick sound of bone crunching meets my ears; blood sprays everywhere as my father’s nose bursts open, that’s when I realise what happened. Zayde punched my father in the face and broke his nose; the laugh that bubbles out of me has all the guys looking my way.

“Do you seriously think that my men won’t come for me?” He says as he coughs and spits blood on the floor, “Actually, do you think that Aiden won’t come for you, and have you stopped to think about what will happen to your boy toys when he does?” his words only make me laugh louder. “The fuck is so funny, daughter?” my father snarls.

“You, do you seriously think that Aiden will come for me when he realises that the east side king is dead? Oh, Daddy, you really are delusional; no one is coming for you, not now. Not ever,” I say with a chuckle because I know that after what he did, there is no way in hell the guys will just let him walk out the door.

Slade steps in front of my father, hiding him from view, so I move my chair over to see what’s going on again.

“Do you know who we are?” Slade asks as he plays with the dagger in his hand; he’s currently twirling the tip of the blade on his finger. My father shakes his head.

“How the fuck am I supposed to know who you fuckheads are? All I know about you is that you hid my daughter from me for what reason I have no idea, well maybe it was for her body, but who the fuck knows,” my father all but snarls at Slade, who decides to reward his outburst with a knife to the leg. My father merely smiles at him, blood coating his teeth from having his nose broken.

“Let me tell you a story then, shall I?” Slade asks as he walks away from my father; grabbing another chair, he pulls it over and sits down. “Once upon a time, a princess lived with her mum, dad, and big brother. One day a dragon decided to steal the princess and hide her away in his castle all because the princess’s whore of a mother owed the dragon some gold.” The story makes me want to laugh only because of how Slade is telling it. However, I can say to the moment it registers in my father’s mind precisely who he is dealing with now.

“You,” my father spits, “you were responsible for her being taken from me; I had big plans for that little girl and always wondered who the fuck stole her. Never mind we found one better, one who didn’t cry and want to go home, she was easy to mould and shape how we wanted her to be,” my father says with a Cheshire cat like grin.

The guys all snarl at him, but Slade is the one who laughs, a big belly laugh.

“Oh you really are a stupid fuck, aren’t you Thomas. You see what you don’t know is that our intel came straight from inside your own fucking organisation.” My father pins me with a death glare, he thinks it was me.

“I was a child, it wasn’t me.”

“Oh no, it wasn’t Tamara, she never even knew that Talia was there,” Dax’s voice says as he and Damon both step into the room; the guys all whirl around, and I watch as Damon moves faster than lightning, just as a dagger embeds itself in the wood exactly where Damon’s head was mere seconds ago. My father pales as he realises the mistakes he has made and for a moment I see defeat flash across his face which somehow looks older, more wrinkled but that could be the lights playing tricks on me, he’s quick to mask whatever emotion was on his mind.

“You always were a disappointment; I should have made your useless whore of a mother have an abortion; maybe then I would have got the son that I wanted,” he growls.

“It’s time to get some answers,” Jace murmurs as he steps towards the worktop and pulls the pliers from their slot in the tool roll. As he goes back to where my father is still chained, he says, “this might sting, just a little bit,” then with a chuckle he yanks the fingernail straight out of my father’s thumb, he growls at Jace. As he does the same to his next finger, “you know, I don’t want to be this guy. I really hate that our girl is watching me do this to the man who was supposed to love and protect her, but instead he turned against her, tried to force her into a marriage that she didn’t want to be in and kidnapped my brother’s little sister with nefarious plans to sell her off to the highest bidder. But I’m not going to lie, I might be enjoying this just a little bit,” Jace laughs.

“Petrol,” Jace says to no one in particular.

“Under the counter,” Slade answers as he walks behind me to the back of the room, where there is another set of worktops. I watch as he reaches into one of the cupboards, producing an orange jerry can, which he begins to swing back and forth in his hands as he walks back to where Jace stands waiting. Jace takes the can, opening it. He then proceeds to pour some of the greyish, blue liquid over my father’s open wounds, not that you would know because all my father does is grimace.

“Shit, this fuckers gonna be a tough nut to crack,” Jace chuckles, placing the jerry can at his feet he continues pulling my father’s fingernails out, blood pours from the wounds; Jace stops working for a minute. Leaning down he grabs a small black handheld blowtorch which he then brings to my father’s hands, I watch in morbid fascination as he slowly works the device back and forth over my father’s fingers which immediately stop bleeding. The acrid smell of charred skin has me wrinkling my nose in disgust, and yet I don’t move from my chair, choosing instead to sit and watch my father’s torture.

“I know how to get you to tell us what we want to know,” Noah sing-songs as he grabs blades from the holster at his hop; he slices open my father’s trousers to reveal his legs. Noah begins to slowly drag the blade down his thigh, not making deep enough cuts that he bleeds to much but deep enough to illicit a low groan from him.

“Tell us why you took Talia,” Slade growls as my father continues to groan from the pain; I hope the pain he is feeling right now is as bad as all the beatings he has given me over the years. I watch in fascination as the blood continues to pool on my father’s legs as Noah continues to drag the blade slowly. Still, not making the cuts deep enough, not yet anyway, but I have no doubt if my fatherdoesn't tell them what they want to know, then it’s going to get a whole lot worse for him; my father glares at me as Noah makes another cut this one is much deeper than the previous so much so that blood runs down my father’s leg pooling at his feet.

“You dumb fucks really want to know why I took her, I took her because her whore of a mother, as you so elegantly put it, owed me money, and since she didn’t have it, she agreed that I could have her child instead,” my father manages to speak in between wheezing, “I have heard though that she’s pregnant,” my father says which makes all the guys snarl at him.

“Maybe we should introduce you to her husband,” Zayde says as he pulls his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

Chapter 14
