Page 29 of Gio's Possession

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I get my angel in the front seat and put her seatbelt on. Telling her I will be right back, I close the door and walk around to the other side, where my father stands with a pained face, staring at her. He flinches at the sight of her. He is really protective of my sister, Serena, and I started seeing him develop a similar fatherly relationship with Everly.

“What the hell happened to her?”

“Dad, it’s bad. We went in and found her covered in blood, on a filthy mattress, with a dead man lying on top of her. Both were naked. She was screaming bloody murder.”

Grabbing me by the arms, he gives me a shake.

“I want a doctor to see her, and I want the best psychologist. Rape counselors. Whatever it takes. Spare no expense.”

When Aldo Martinelli demands the best care for someone, it means his whole heart is in it. He thinks of Everly as part of the family already.

Having my father say he wants the best care for my wife helps strengthen my determination. We will get her through this together and bring her back to us.

I’ve never seen my father cry before, but tears well up in his eyes.

He pulls me in and hugs me, giving me a couple of pats on the back before turning away to go inside. I’ve rarely seen my father look this devastated. He and Marcello will oversee the clean up, and I will worry about getting my wife taken care of and finding out what the hell happened to her.

Climbing into the SUV, I look over at Everly. She’s silent and staring ahead but looking off into space. I reach over to hold her hand, and she flinches, jerking it away from me. She doesn’t speak and doesn’t look over.

I look down at her hand, which is covered in blood. It’s caked under her fingernails. I can’t differentiate how much of the blood is hers and how much is from the dead man we found her with. It looks like Everly took him out, but I’m not sure how. It’s obvious why.

I pull out my phone and dial Dr. Bianchi, telling him to meet us at our house. I’m not a person who prays or believes in God, but I pray that Everly can overcome this. That we both can because right now, I want to burn the motherfucking world to the ground.


Upon returning home, Dr. Bianchi is waiting outside of our house. When we pull up, Everly makes no move to get out of the vehicle. I walk around to her side and open the door. Unbuckling her seatbelt. I try to speak low and keep my voice calm and soothing.

“Everly, baby. We need to get out of the car. I’m going to pick you up and carry you.”

My hope is by telling her before I touch her, she won’t flinch away from me the way she did earlier. It broke my heart.

Once we get inside, I sit her down and allow the doctor to move in close to her. It goes against my instinct to let anyone near her, especially another man, but I know she needs medical treatment. My worry about her well-being overrides the possessiveness that runs through my body.

“Everly, I need to ask you some questions. I’m going to look you over as well. Is that okay?”

Everly doesn’t speak and doesn’t look directly at the doctor, but she gives him a barely-there nod.

He examines her and walks over to the other side of the room, speaking low enough that only I can hear.

“I know this is going to be a tough question, but I need to know. Was she raped?”

The pain that shoots through my heart at the words that I had already thought to myself is painful. The thought of someone violating my angel hurts more than I could have ever imagined. The only thing keeping me going is that she needs me.

“I’m not sure, but there is a good possibility.” I explain to the doctor how we found her. He’s employed by the mafia and has been for so long that he’s trusted. I know that anything I say to the doctor is going to be kept private.

“If they raped her, we need to do a rape kit, and the fertility drug I used on her is really potent. She needs a Plan B pill as soon as possible. We really need to ask her these questions. Do you want to leave the room?” His eyes show his trepidation about asking me to leave the room. I allow it since I know he’s trying to care for Everly the best he can.

Walking over to my beautiful girl, I kneel so that her eyes are looking into mine. Her eyes are still wet from crying, and the blood covering her face is streaked with tears. “Everly, the doctor needs to ask you some questions. Personal questions. Do you want me to leave the room and give you some privacy?”

She looks at me as a fresh tear leaks down her cheek. She doesn’t answer, but I know she’s heard me, so I try again.

“Baby, let us help you. I promise you are safe. No matter what happened, we are going to help you. Nothing you say will change how I feel about you. Can you answer our questions?”

She answers with a tiny, quiet but quivering voice. “Yes. Can you stay with me?”

She reaches out for my hand, and I let out the breath that I didn’t realize I’d been holding since I found her on that mattress. She’s speaking, albeit very little. I wave the doctor over to us.

He kneels down to Everly’s level and asks her the question I’ve been dreading.
