Page 30 of Gio's Possession

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“Everly, honey, we have to take safety precautions, and to do that, we need to ask you some hard questions. Were you raped?”

Everly sniffles, takes in a deep breath, and then answers him. “It was close. Right before he put himself inside me, I… I… ”

She stops and looks over at me. I give her a nod, letting her know she should go on. Then, with a stronger voice, she answers.

“No. I stopped him.”

I see a fierce determination cross her face, and I’m so proud of my strong girl. I’m overcome with relief. She’s still traumatized, but it could be worse.

Everly answers the doctor’s questions. He draws some blood. Checks her heart, lungs, and looks in her eyes.

“Mr. Martinelli, your wife is a lucky lady. She has a concussion but otherwise seems in good health. I’m prescribing rest, no screen time. I suggest she speak to someone about what happened to her.”

“Thanks, Doctor.”

The doctor shows himself out.

I need to get Everly in the shower, and then we need to talk about what happened to her. We have so many things to sort out. It’s overwhelming. I don’t know where to start, and she’s in no condition to hash out what happened before she left. Yet. We will have that conversation, and my sweet little wife is not getting out of being punished.

Leaving me is not an option, and she’s going to understand that.


When Gio burst into that room and saved me once again, I was overcome with relief. Relief that he came to save me and relief that I got to see him again. I don’t have the bandwidth to question where Carla, his fiance, is or to be angry with him right now. I can only take so much. My thoughts are racing and chaotic.

I allow him to lead me upstairs, undress me, and turn on the shower. He keeps his boxers on in the shower. Knowing Oliver sexually assaulted me, he’s speaking to me and touching me tenderly. Letting me know before he makes a move, and he’s moving slowly. He thinks it’s what I need right now, but I actually want the opposite.

I want to feel like myself. My desire to feel wanted and needed is breaking through. I want him to ravage me and take control. Make me forget. I don’t want to be treated like glass. I crave being dirtied up, but in a way that scrubs the filth from my body by someone who owns it.

The warm water raining down on my head is running off of me red. Instead, I feel disgusting and can still feel Oliver’s limp penis sticking to the skin on my thigh. His hands on my body. His smell on me. I can’t get it out of my head.

As Gio soaps up my hair, I get body wash and start scrubbing myself with the soapy rag, scrubbing my skin hard and frantically.

Grabbing my hands to stop me, Gio soothes me. “Baby, baby, look at me. Stop.”

“I can’t get him off of me. He’s on my skin. I’m filthy,” I cry.

I know I sound hysterical, but right now, I don’t care.

Placing his hands on both sides of my face, Gio grabs me and looks right into my eyes.

“You are not filthy, Angel. Nothing about you is filthy. We are going to get you cleaned up.”

My skin burns from the rough scrubbing I applied to it. It’s red and irritated, and I still don’t feel clean. The water is now running light pink. Gio has applied shampoo to my hair multiple times and then conditioner. He gently washed my body, avoiding my private areas. I know he’s treating me with kid gloves, and I appreciate his gentle treatment, but I ache for him to devour me. To undo what Oliver did to me. To show me who I belong to.

Once I’m thoroughly clean and the water runs clear, Gio steps out of the shower and wraps me in a large fluffy towel. It’s a luxury that I have gotten used to having at his house. It’s one of my favorite things.

As we step into his bedroom, a vision of Carla comes crashing into my mind. I freeze, and Gio notices. I can’t believe I’m fantasizing about having sex with a man who is engaged to someone else. There is definitely something wrong with me. My brain isn’t normal. I’m craving being fucked after being attacked. I see lots of therapy in my future.

“What’s wrong, Angel?”

“Don’t fucking call me that. I can’t stay here.” Shaking my head with disgust at myself for forgetting that Gio isn’t mine. He doesn’t belong to me. Clenching my fist and gritting my teeth together, I try to hold my anger in. I know I’m acting erratically, but I can’t control myself.

“Well, you sure the fuck aren’t going anywhere else. If you take one step out of this house, I will spank your ass red and handcuff you to the bed permanently,” Gio yells angrily.

“How is your fiancé going to feel about you having me handcuffed toHERbed?” I shoot back at him, feeling invigorated by my anger.

The motherfucker has the nerve to smile. Standing toe to toe with me and our bodies close enough to touch, he looks at me to get his point across. “My wife would kick my ass if I had a fiancé ; besides, I have one woman, and I’ve only ever had one woman. That shit that Carla spouted was all bullshit, Everly. I’ve never been with her. Never touched that viper. Everything about her is fake. Her personality, her lips, her breasts, her nails, hair, and everything else. She’s nothing to me and never has been. There is a story behind it, and I would have been glad to explain had you given me the chance, but your stubborn ass ran away from me again. I love seeing you jealous because it shows that you want me as much as I want you.”
