Page 31 of Gio's Possession

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I have the sense to look ashamed for running away without giving him the chance to explain. I had accepted Carla’s words without question. Knowing she’s not his fiancé and never has been sends a shudder of relief through my body. It’s crazy that she stormed into his house and made claims on him. It never crossed my mind that she made it up.

If I hadn’t run from the house, Oliver and my father wouldn’t have found me, and I wouldn’t have had to take someone’s life. This is all my fault.

Gio reaches for my chin and raises my eyes to meet his.

“Baby, we have so much to talk about. So many things I need to know and things I need to tell you. I propose we make a promise right now that we are both open and honest and tell each other everything. No secrets,” Gio continues to speak, wrapping his arms around me. “No secrets, no lies, no resistance. I am in love with you, Everly. Hopelessly in love. I know it’s fast, but I can’t help how I feel. Give us a chance. Promise me, Angel. Nothing between us.”

My heart swells. I think I love him too. I’m not ready to admit that yet, but I’m willing to give him a chance. With a nod, I melt into him and let him hold me close. I finally feel safe.

Another question crosses my mind. “What did you do to my father, Gio?”

He looks at me with a confused look on his face. “Your father? What are you talking about, Ev?”

“My father was in the house with us. He locked me in that room with Oliver.”

Another troubling thought crosses my mind as I raise my hand to my mouth.

“Gio, oh my god, Oliver. I killed Oliver. I’m going to spend the rest of my life in prison.”

I realize I’m trembling, but Gio holds me close.

“Baby, you won’t go to prison. I’m going to make sure that there are no traces of you left in that house. My father and Marcello are taking care of it.”

“You can’t do that, Gio. You guys will get in trouble, and I won’t allow you to go to jail for something that I did.”

“Everly, there’s something you need to know. You know how my father and I, along with Marcello, run the family business?”


“Remember when I came home with blood on my clothes? I know you noticed but were too scared to ask. My family runs the Martinelli Mafia. Most of the powerful people in this town are in our pockets. We pay them to look the other way.”

“OH… MY… FUCKING… GOD!” The voice erupts from me louder than I expected it to. I mean, I think in the back of my mind, I suspected Gio was involved in organized crime, but I didn’t acknowledge it.

“Calm down, just hear me out.” His statement is so calm and matter-of-fact, like he’s brushing off my hysteria.

Jumping away from Gio, I try to scuttle away from him. He grabs me and holds me to him, where I can’t get away.

“The fucking mafia is involved in human trafficking. Get the hell away from me.”

“No! We do not take part in that sick shit. Listen to me! You are once again jumping to conclusions and not allowing me to explain. Now sit and listen.”

This snaps me out of my thoughts. Shame slithers over my skin.

Giving him a nod, I sit and wait, allowing him to explain. Most of his family’s money comes from money laundering, some drug sales, and weapons, but also allowing others to have shipping routes through their territory. He swears they don’t work with or allow anyone through their routes or businesses that take part in child abuse, human trafficking, or anything that harms innocent women and children.

“What about the blood on your clothes? Do you kill people?”

I cringe when I ask that question because I just murdered someone. I have no right to judge. He must be able to tell what I’m thinking from the look on my face.

“Baby, it’s not the same thing. You were defending yourself. We do, and I have taken many lives. If someone is a threat to you, looks at you, or touches you, I will rip them to pieces, and I won’t apologize for that. I will always be your number one protector, and nothing you or anyone else can say will change that. The same goes for my family.”

Thinking over all that I’ve learned, I decide I’m not that bothered by Gio’s having killed people. I know he’s a little unhinged, but he’s also caring and protective and shows me more love than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. He’s not a danger to me.

Maybe it’s selfish of me to want to keep him for myself, but I am going to choose to be selfish for once in my life.

Gio brings me out of my thoughts, asking a question I had forgotten about.

“What were you saying about your dad? Start from the beginning and tell me everything.”
