Page 61 of Brett

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“Let’s head north.”

“All right.” She nudged her horse into a run and took off.

Brett chuckled as he did the same. The woman could sit a horse.

He shook his head. Diane hated horses. Come to think of it, she didn’t like any animals.

An hour later, they arrived at a pond and dismounted. They removed the saddles and blankets and let the horses graze. Brett took the rolled blanket off the back of the saddle, untied it, and snapped it out. He saw JoJo getting the lunches and then walked to the blanket. She set the bag down and sat.

“I’m hungry,” she said as she opened the bag and removed the food.

“I am too. Someone let me sleep in, and I missed breakfast.”

“I didn’t want to disturb you. We were up late.” She smiled at him.


JoJo laughed. “I got up all right, though.”

“How long had you been up?”

“About half an hour.”

Brett shook his head. “So, not much longer than me.”

He sat beside her, leaned over, and kissed her lips.

“I’d stay up all night with you, baby.”

“Same here.”

Brett picked up a sandwich, took it from the baggie, and took a bite.

“Either this is fantastic, or I’m starving.” He took another bite.

“Maybe both.” JoJo bit into an apple.

“I brought worms.”

“Oh, I’m not overly fond of them.”

“You don’t like them for fishing?”

“Yeah, I thought you meant to eat,” she said, then laughed when he grabbed her, pulled her across his lap, and pressed his lips to hers.

JoJo laughed against his lips when he raised them.

“I couldn’t resist.”

“I can’t resist you,” he said before kissing her again.

Her arms wrapped around his neck. He laid down, pulled her on top of him, rolled her onto her back, and settled between her legs.

“I don’t think I’ll get enough of you.” Brett stared into her eyes.

“I feel the same.” She frowned. “Is this happening too fast?”

“I don’t know. Did you want to slow down?”
