Page 69 of Brett

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“How’s Presley?” JoJo asked Jaxon.

“Great. She’ll be here soon.”

“Oh, good. I’d love to see her.”

“I’ll tell her. Have a good time.” Jaxon touched the brim of his hat, turned, and strode across the barn.

“I’ll get your drink and be right back, darlin’. Don’t run off.” Brett grinned.

They sat at the table a few minutes later, sipping their drinks, when JoJo got to her feet.

“Presley,” she said with a smile.

“JoJo! It’s so good to see you.” Presley Callahan hugged her and then glanced at Brett standing beside them.

“Presley, this is Brett Watkins. Brett, Presley Callahan, Jaxon’s wife.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Callahan.” Brett shook her hand.

“Presley, please. I hope you enjoy your evening. Lots of food and dancing.” Presley hugged JoJo again. “Please let any of us know if you need anything.”

“Thank you. I know I’m starving, so I will hit that buffet in a few minutes.”

“You know Rosita will keep it stocked. I’d better make the rounds. Have fun.” Presley walked off.

Brett frowned.

“What’s wrong?” JoJo tilted her head.


“Yes. Devin and Jaxon Callahan. Why?”

“Callahan whiskey, or is that a coincidence?”

“No coincidence, the Callahans live here. The distillery is in Spring City. Devin, Jaxon, their parents, Roark, Reid, and their parents are all part owners. Roark and Reid are their cousins.”

“Damn. That is the best whiskey.”

“I love it too.”

“Reid Callahan? The bull rider?”


“He was one of the best. Wait. Jaxon and Devin were bull riders too, weren’t they?”

“Yes. Jaxon was badly injured and had to quit. Devin quit before that so he could start this place for them.”

“Unreal. They seem like nice people. Well, Jaxon and Presley.”

“They’re all wonderful people. I’ll introduce them later.”

JoJo got to her feet, and he watched her wave to someone. He looked to the door to see Nevada, Courtney, and another couple enter with them. Brett saw Courtney point to them, and Nevada grinned as he took her hand and led her to the table.

Brett stood and shook Nevada’s hand, then Courtney’s.

“Can you join us?” he asked.
