Page 89 of Brett

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“She’s my godmother, or I would have fired her years ago. What is it, Betty Lou?”

“Tess is on line three.”

“Thank you. I’d better get that. It was good seeing you again, Brett.”

“You too, Sam.” Brett took one of Sam’s cards from the desk and put it in his wallet.

He strode from the room and about passed the counter when Betty Lou stopped him.

“Where are you from, young man?”

“Helena, ma’am.”

“I see. My name is Betty Lou Harper. I’m Sam’s godmother.”

“Yes, ma’am. He mentioned it.”

“Are you married?”

“No, ma’am.”

“A good-looking man like you not married. Well, we have a lot of single women in Clifton.”

“Uh, yes, ma’am. I am seeing someone, though.” He seriously needed to get out of there. “I should go—”

“Who are you seeing? I probably know her.”

“Brett, just go before she has you promise her your firstborn,” Sam said as he came from his office.

“Thanks.” Brett grinned, then quickly went out the door and chuckled. What a character Betty Lou was.

After getting into his truck, he drove out of the lot, looked up the street, and saw the bakery sign. With a grin, he decided he’d love some chocolate chip cookies and wanted to see JoJo.

He entered the bakery to see a line of people. Looking over their heads, he saw JoJo behind the counter, laughing at something someone had said. He frowned when he saw it was a man. The man didn’t need to flirt with his woman.

Brett walked to the ticket dispenser and removed the ticket. She hadn’t seen him yet, but he clenched his jaw when she laughed again at something the man said. He cleared his throat, and she looked at him. Her eyes widened, and then she beamed at him, and he sighed.Don’t be a jealous ass.He grinned, but the smile left his face when the man she’d been talking to glanced over his shoulder, and Brett couldn’t believe that Grant Hunter was in the bakery.

Brett looked around, and no one seemed impressed that one of the best country singers was buying confectionaries.

“Hi,” JoJo said.

“Hey. I wanted some cookies and, of course, to see you.”

“I’m glad.”

They stared at each other until someone cleared their throat, and Brett saw Grant looking at him.

“Brett, this is Grant Hunter. Grant, Brett Watkins,” JoJo introduced them, and they shook hands.

“It’s nice to meet you, Brett,” Grant said.

“You too. I’m a fan.”

Grant grinned. “Happy to hear that. Hey, I’d better go. Jessa is waiting for me. Have a nice day. JoJo? I’m sure I’ll see you again. Can’t seem to stay out of here.”

“Thanks for dinner at the restaurant.”

Grant nodded. “Not a problem. I’m glad you enjoyed your meals.”
