Page 55 of Alex

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She shook her head. “I don’t know. Is it going to be possible to be together if the case isn’t solved? I mean, every time I see you, I’ll be wondering why you didn’t find my bull.”

“So, you’re blaming me if the bull is gone forever? That’s bullshit, Dylan.”

“Is it? I associate you with my missing bull.”

Alex removed his hat, raked his fingers through his hair, and resettled the hat, then looked at her.

“I see. All I can do is promise to do my best. I will not stand here and promise you that I will find your bull. I am in no way, responsible for the theft of your bull, but yet, you blame me for it being gone.”

“I don’t blame you for it being gone—”

“You blame me because I can’t find it,” he growled out. “It doesn’t always work out, Dylan. That bull could already be slaughtered—”

Dylan gasped. “Don’t say that.”

“It’s the truth. The rustlers stole him for a reason. Someone wanted that bull for his sperm. After they get what they need from him, they’ll dispose of him. This is how it can go.”

Dylan pulled a chair out from the table and collapsed onto it as tears streamed down her face. Alex squatted in front of her and took her hands in his.

“I’m so sorry, baby, but it happens. Not all stolen livestock is recovered. I will do my best. I’m hoping they’re hanging on to him to get sperm from him, and he’s holed up somewhere, but you have to be realistic about it.”

Dylan gazed into his eyes and saw the pain he felt at telling her what to expect. He knew his job and she would do best to remember that. She nodded.

“I hope you’re right.” She cupped his lightly whiskered cheek in her hand. “I’m sorry. For everything. I hate not seeing you, but I understand. Do me one favor, please.”

“What’s that?”

“Find who stole my bull, Agent Reeves, then we can see where we stand.”

“At least you didn’t say, find the bull. Finding the culprits will be easier. They’ll slip up somewhere. Not sure when, but they will.”

“The men who shot you haven’t been caught.”

“Doesn’t mean they won’t be. Trust me, they are a priority to all livestock agents for killing Mac. We will get them, but right now, I need to concentrate on your case. Please let me do that, Dylan.” He sighed. “I’m crazy about you, but I don’t want this case coming between us. Let me do what I do best.”

Dylan smiled. “I wouldn’t say that’s what you do best.”

Alex huffed out a laugh. “Okay, what I do second best.”

She chuckled, leaned forward, and kissed his lips.

“We’ll do this your way… for now.”

Alex stood. “Good. I’ll be in touch. Do not go up there again. Got it?”

Dylan got to her feet and saluted. “Whatever you say, Agent.”

“Yeah, right. I’d better get going. I was about to leave when you showed up anyway. I didn’t see or hear anything until you. I’m not sure what they’re up to but they cut that fence for a reason. I’ll call you when I know something. I promise.” He quickly kissed her lips, then strode out the door.

She stared at the door, then locked it. Peering out the blinds, she watched him climb into his truck, fire it up, and drive off. How in the world was she going to stay away from him when she wanted him every minute of the day?

Chapter Seven

Alex entered the building and rode the elevator to the fourth floor. He stepped out, opened the glass door to the offices, and strode to his desk. He glanced around to see most of the desks empty. Just a few agents were on phone calls, and that’s what he needed to do.

After removing his hat and coat, he sat, and used his cellphone to call his C.I. It was time he heard back from him.

“Agent Reeves,” Clive said when he answered.
