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Ghazni, Afghanistan

“Captain Logan? Do you have a moment, sir?” Jake jogged after the elusive man, knowing he was either about to do the stupidest thing ever – or get reamed for bothering the captain over something so trivial as his request.

He was sick of everything.

Sick of the sand, the heat, the attitudes, and sick of being alone.

At first, when he got assigned to this squad and people started teasing him about the mysterious ‘Romeo Curse’that hit every one of the single men – he told them to shut up, go away, or claimed that would never happen to him. Yet, as the months passed and he saw the men flying out to meet some woman, having literally an incredible relationship and emotional bond suddenly drop in their laps mysteriously... he was mildly curious.

Then another soldier ‘fell’ to the curse.

And another…

Then yet another, and that mild curiosity started to get stronger, taking a life of its own within him, and finally turned to jealousy. He was passed over again and again for a pen pal, a chance, and didn’t understand why.

What was wrong with him that he didn’t get some magical email address slipped to him, passed around, or handed over with a ‘go get’em’pep talk like some of the others in the barracks? Every soldier who received an email address from Captain Logan ended up happily married within weeks, months, or years, and Jake wanted to know exactly what the problem was with him.

He could use a little something ‘easy’ dropped into his lap – just like the other soldiers.

Growing up on the streets, abandoned and alone, Jake had to fight for every scrap of clothing, every meal, every single thing that came his direction – and he was bitterly sick of it. His parents were illegals who had been rounded up by immigration when he was fifteen, and instead of following, he moved from friends’ house to house, shelter to shelter, and foster home after foster home. He got his citizenship, and immediately joined the Army, completely disillusioned and so naïve.

‘Join, and we’ll get you a college degree…’

‘Join the Army, and you’ll see the world on Uncle Sam’s dime…’

‘Join the Army, and you’ll have a larger family than you ever expected…’

It was all some twisted lies that were based on the thinnest fabrication of truth in the world. Yeah, he had a ‘family’ around him that came and went as orders were handed out – only to never see them again.

Travel the world? More like ‘Let me assign you to the armpit of the world because no one volunteers for this hellhole’.

We’ll get you a college degree – actually translated to ‘If you want to use your G.I. Bill, figure out how to pay for a roof over your head before it expires - and we’ll keep everything.’

Was he disillusioned and bitter?


“Captain Logan!” Jake snapped, once again trying to get the man’s attention – and saw the captain stiffen, pivot on his heel, and look at him with an icy awareness.

“Can I help you, soldier?”

“Sir, I would like to formally request to be added to the list of men who are to receive a pen pal from you… please.”

“There’s no list.”

“There’s… not?” Jake blurted out, stunned, and then felt something take hold of him. “What do you mean there’s no list? I’ve seen you handing out the papers, slipping email addresses to people and…”

“Watch your tone, soldier.”

“Begging your pardon, sir,” he spat hotly. “But I don’t think so.”

“Oh really?” Logan smirked and crossed his arms as he stood there – and Jake felt his temper rise even more, unafraid and completely unintimidated. Screw it, he’d just run laps, but he was going to have his say with this snide man who obviously played favorites. If he wasn’t one of the ‘chosen,’ then he had nothing to lose…

“You come strutting into the barracks, wave your little magic wand, and sprinkle pixie dust on some lucky, undeserving soldiers who suddenly start going all giggly for some mysterious woman on the other side of the planet. I’ve seen it over and over again – and dang it. I want in on this, too. I’m just as deserving, could use a few care packages, and a little pixie dust just like the rest of those idiots I share a space with.”
