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“My favorite thing… besides pudding,” she uttered and saw the flare in his eyes, closing her own as their lips touched.

Lena never imagined his lips would be so tender, so warm, yet incredibly masculine. She’d kissed a guy before, but kissing Jake was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced. There was a slight prickle from where the growth of his five-o’clock shadow scraped against her wide lips, sending a shot of desire straight up her spine. Her hand reached up blindly, holding his head close to hers, her fingers in his closely shorn hair as he kissed her deeply, his tongue tasting hers before he broke the kiss, leaning back slightly and staring at her.

“I know we n-never talked about it,” he began, his voice hoarse as he stammered for a moment. “But if you had a boyfriend back home? You don’t anymore.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Uh, yeah, ya’ do – and he’s standing right here trying to decide if he likes cheesecake or not.”

“Maybe he should try it again?” she whispered suggestively and saw that iconic smile that was just his as his eyes fell to her lips.

“Was this your plan all along?”


“Wow,” he chuckled tenderly. “I think I’ve finally met my match.”

“Is that such a bad thing?”

“Kinda terrifying… but in a good way.”

“Welcome to the jungle, pudding,” she laughed throatily and saw him melt. “Now sit down and join me.”

“Anything you say, lumberjack – I’m yours.”

As he plopped down boneless in his seat, staring at her, she couldn’t help but feel this female satisfaction that she affected him so much. Taking the fork, she dove into the cheesecake and held out a bite to him with a slight smirk on her face, waiting.

He leaned forward numbly – taking the bite that was proffered.

“Do you like it?”

“I can’t live without it,” he admitted hoarsely.

“Then there won’t be any arguing when I insist we are having cheesecake again… will there?”

“Never saying a word again,” he chuckled, looking a little embarrassed, giving her a knowing look. “Birthdays, holidays, events, our wedding, just every flavor you could ever want – it’s yours for the taking.”

Her heart turned over in her chest, but her sister’s words echoed in her head. A boyfriend is the last thing you need right now, and Shelby was right, wasn’t she? Rushing into a relationship, jumping headfirst into something serious that she couldn’t escape from like she’d left Sweet Bloom was a heady yet scary thought.

“I’ll keep that in mind and let you know when I’m ready.”

“Say the word.”

“You don’t mind?”

“I’m betting on forever, so heck no – I really don’t mind.” Instead of looking disappointed or upset, Jake looked almost relieved as he smiled at her. “We’ll do this our way so it fits both of us.”

“Thank you,” she smiled gratefully as he picked up the spoon, digging it into the pudding… and wincing.

“Is pudding supposed to have skin on it?”

“My favorite pudding does, and I’m quite fond of your tattoos,” she teased and scooped up a dollop, too – taking a bite.

… And made a face.

“Um, no,” she muttered, plucking the spoon out of his hand just before he was about to take a bite. The look of surprise, confusion, and recognition in that split second had him laughing loudly – and her, too, as they shared a smile.

“Let’s just stick with the cheesecake,” she offered, pushing the lime Jell-O to the side too, and covering it with a napkin pointedly. “I’m scared to even think what that would be like.”
