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Lena grabbed her cell phone and hesitated for a moment before calling her sister. She was nervous about the possible line of questioning, knowing she was just concerned about her, but a bigger part of her wanted to gush on and on proudly at how well she was truly doing.

Leaving Sweet Bloom, as hard as that seemed, was probably the best thing she could have ever done. She’s leaped off that ‘mental cliff’ in her search for something new, something different, and something that would give her a bit of security or peace… and found it in spades – not in Jake, but herself.

She felt comfortable enough with herself to finally allow herself to stay strong, to say no, to do what she felt was right and for someone to look at her differently – with respect.

“Lena! Oh my gosh, Lena, I was so worried. Deacon told me that he saw one of the people from Reserve Ranch, and he was really sick – but there was another guy there helping him who said you were doing good. How are you? What’s going on? What do you do all day? Have you been staying clean? Give me all the details…” Shelby gushed in one rushed breath, causing Lena to smile.

Her sister could get so excitable and boisterous if it was something she felt strongly about, and how could you not just adore her for being her true self?

“Hey, Shelby,” she began nervously and took a seat while Jake got up to make them some fresh hot tea nearby. “I’m doing so good here. I feel great, and everything's been wonderful, honestly.”

“What was going on with the sick guy?”

“That was another soldier who is going to be staying with Daphne and…”

“Hold up,” her sister interrupted bluntly. “Really?”

“Yes. Gideon and Christina are paired up in a cabin and…”

“The sick guy is staying with another girl? Are they married? Siblings? Wait – are you in a cabin with some dude? What is going on out there? You are supposed to be healing and getting clean - not shacking up with some guy. That is not going to help you in the slightest and…”

Jake reached over her and pressed the speaker button.

“Hey – I’m the ‘dude’ staying with your sister. You’d be really proud of her if you could see her. Lena’s come so far and…”

“So he’s aggressive, apparently?” Shelby barked out, the disbelief clear in her voice. “Private conversation, buddy!”

“He’s my friend,” Lena said – and Jake shrugged. “He’s agoodfriend, and we all work together here at the ranch doing different chores. It’s like being out here allows you to get back to the basics of life. We have a community, we eat together, pray, celebrate, and…”

“Oh my gosh, it’s a dangcommune? I’m going to kill Harley for suggesting this to me and…”

“NO,” Lena snapped hotly. “You are going tothank herbecause, for the first time in my life, I am taking control and doing what I want, when I want, and making friends around me who are looking out for my best interest. They watch out for me, help me. They don’t treat me like I’m stupid like I should be ashamed of being the flunky of the family. Out of everything I’ve learned by coming here and grabbing eggs from a chicken or doing the dishes, I’ve learned how to belong and stand up for myself – so you aren’t going to say or do anything except tell Harley ‘thank you’for giving me this chance.”

“Bravo, Lumberjack,” Jake said softly nearby, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed. “Good for you.”

“Is he pushing you to say all of this?” Shelby asked quietly. “No brainwashing or pressuring you? If you are in danger, just say ‘pizza,’ and I’ll send Deacon after you immediately.”

“I wouldn’t leave with Deacon because I’m truly happy. This is not commune; no pressure is put on me, there is nothing but acceptance, and this has been the best thing for me. In fact, I thought about flying down in a few months to clear out my house, but I’m not ready for anyone to look at me or talk to me yet.”

“Lena, communes convince you to leave home, your family, sell your things and…”

“Finding a place that feels like home, finding pride and confidence in yourself, and staying away from situations that are bad for you will cause you to do the same thing,” she replied and hesitated. “Let me put this on Facetime. I literally have nothing to hide from you, nor do I have to answer to you. You are my sister, and I love you – but this ismy life.”

Lena pressed the button, and the phone warbled in her hand for a moment before her sister’s worried expression filled the screen.

“Hey there…” Lena smiled tearfully. “You look great.”

“You do, too,” Shelby wept, putting her hand over her mouth and chuckling tearfully. “My gosh, you look like the old Lena… and I’ve missed that girl.”

“I did, too,” she admitted, her voice warbling as she wiped her eyes. “I’m so happy here and…”

Jake handed her a tissue, staying off the screen but silently supporting her. He stepped back again, leaning against the counter in the kitchenette, giving her privacy once more.

“This has been a miracle,” Lena breathed happily. “I feel like me – and I’m making changes that makemehappy. I always felt like I was being selfish wanting or asking for things with my friends, but I realize now they weren’t my friends at all. Here, if I want something – Iaskfor it, and they encourage me.”

“That’s how it should be,” Shelby smiled, and Lena saw Deacon appear in the background waving.

“Hi, Deacon!” Lena called out. “Tell Beau I said hello and I helped make homemade cheese last week, thinking of him.”
