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She presses her lips together. “While the Darkness can act as its own entity, your birth father is its original master. He’s held control over the ominous force since the early days of the Fall.”

Dread washes over me. “Are you saying my father isLucifer?”I whisper the name, afraid saying it out loud will make the notoriously evil angel appear in the room.

“No,” Dina answers with a hint of amusement. “Despite human lore, Lucifer has kept to himself these past millennia. He’s content to let Fallen live out their sentences without further influence from him.”

I blink, shocked. “Really?”

Sadness flickers through her eyes. “Yes. Lucifer was never the same after he Fell. The confident, strong leader so many of us remember no longer exists.” The urge to question Dina about her memory of the Fall is on the tip of my tongue.

The Fallen don’t remember much before their descent from the heavenly realm. They don’t remember what motivated them to make their choice to stand up against God.

Now, both Light and Dark Fallen are enduring their immortal sentence on Earth. The Dark Fallen have accepted their fate while the Light Fallen strive to do good with the hope of one day earning their place back in heaven. It seems strange to me that any Fallen would be so willing to return to a place they can’t remember. I mean, there must be a reason they chose to ally with Lucifer in the first place. I no longer believe the biblical stories I was taught in Sunday School are the true stories of what transpired.

“So, if not Lucifer, who is the master of the Darkness?” I ask, forcing my attention on the situation at hand.

Once again, Dina swallows. “His name is Samyaza. Sam, for short.”

Beside me, Gabe draws in a quick breath.

My eyes find his. “What is it?”

“I—” He falters, shaking his head.

My anxiety spikes. “What?”

Joseph answers for his brother. “We have not heard that name in a long, long time.” He stares at Dina with an unreadable expression.

“Wait. You two didn’t know my father’s identity?” I look between them in disbelief.

“Of course not,” Gabe finds his voice. “Do you really think we would’ve kept that from you if we knew?”

No. I don’t.

I give the Light Fallen a nod then return my attention to Dina. “Tell me about Sam.”

“He was originally the leader of the Dark Fallen,” she states, catching me completely off guard. “He led the group in those early days when their primary mission was to watch over humans.”

I scoff. “The Dark Fallen once acted as guardian angels?” I don’t believe it.

“They did,” Joseph confirms.

I barely manage to hold back a second scoff.

Dina continues, “I was Sam’s second in command. In the early days of the Fall, Light and Dark Fallen worked together. We all had the same goal of returning to heaven. Only a few centuries passed before the Dark gave up, but Light Fallen continued to seek God’s favor. The distinction caused the permanent split you see between our two groups today.”

I’m struggling to digest that information, but my birth mother is far from done.

“For many years, Samyaza hid himself away. He felt defeated and hopeless. We all believed he would live out his eternal life alone, like Lucifer. But then, he made a discovery.” Her ominous tone sends chills through my body.

“Your father made a connection with the Darkness that permeates the earth, the natural antithesis to God’s light and creation. While Sam wallowed in his misery, he unconsciously made a connection with the dark force and he began gathering strength from it. He began to summon demons and use them as instruments in his schemes.”

My heart beats in my chest. “What schemes?”

Sorrow shines from Dina’s eyes. “The Alliance believes Samyaza is building an army. Not just to oppose the Fallen, but to recruit us to his side. He wants to overthrow the Creator and return to heaven.”

Chapter 4

“But that’s insane,” I blurt the words on a breathless exhale.
