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How in the world can Fallen angels fight their way back to heaven? Wouldn’t they have already tried to do that if it were possible?

There’s a lot you still don’t know, Veronica…

The acknowledgement takes the wind out of the sails of my doubt. I’ve been thrown into this world of Fallen angels, Nephilim, and demons. My life has been a whirlwind of new discovery followed by the latest threat. Despite my four soulmates best efforts, I still have so much left to learn.

Dina sighs. “I know this is overwhelming. Nevertheless, it is true.”

I shake my head. “But how can he think to rally the Fallen to partner with the Darkness?” The moment I ask, I think of Master Nate and the Dark Fallen council members who seemed warm to the ominous force.

There are power hungry Fallen, just like there are power hungry humans. All Samyaza has to do is appeal to their desire formoreand some will rush to his side.

I rub the bridge of my nose. A sharp throb indicates an impending headache.

“Let’s table this discussion for now,” Gabe says. He steps close and places a gentle hand on my lower back. “You should rest.”

“No,” I reply softly. I lower my hand and lock eyes with my concerned Fallen. “I’m okay. Promise.”

Gabe frowns, but he doesn’t push me. He removes his hand from my back but stays at my side.

I look at Dina. “So, my birth father works with the Darkness?”

She nods. “He is their leader.”

“But you’re working with The Alliance? You’re opposing him and the Darkness?”

“That is correct.”

“How did you end up together? I mean, I know you weren’t always enemies, but I was born eighteen years ago… that means you two must have reconnected even while working for opposing sides.”

I’m prying. I know that. But I believe I am entitled to ask the question. After all, we’re talking about the circumstances that lead to my very existence.

I sense the awkwardness rolling off Gabe and Joseph, but I’m more concerned with Dina’s reaction.

My birth mother looks at the ground, avoiding my eyes. But instead of embarrassment, she looks wistful. A small smile curls her lips for a moment before it swiftly falls. “I know the circumstances of your birth may be confusing. I feel the same. All I can say is that love is strange. My feelings for Samyaza superseded my awareness of the differences that should keep us apart. Sometimes, you can have feelings for someone beyond reason. Surely, you know what that feels like?” Dina glances from me to my two light Fallen.

Realization dawns. My eyes widen. “Samyaza was yourbasherten?”

“He was…is.” Dina’s back to gazing at the floor, lost in some memory.

“So… you two were together long before me?”

“Yes, but things fell apart when he separated himself from the rest of us Fallen. I was heartbroken.”

I can only imagine.

Just thinking of one of my soulmates choosing to leave me of their own free will makes my chest clench.

“But… clearly things changed.” I gesture to myself.

Dina looks up. Moisture glistens in her eyes. “Yes. And while I regret my weakness for giving into temptation and being with Sam, I’ve never regretted your existence.”

A knot in my stomach loosens. “Does he know about me?”

“I never told him of the pregnancy,” she says. “But with the Darkness pursuing you, I have no doubt he is aware of who you are.”


Before Dina answers, a knock sounds. The door swings inward, and a tall, broad male Fallen steps inside. He wears a loose tunic and brown trousers tucked into black boots. The look screams regency England, Mr. Darcy vibes.

“I apologize for the interruption, Lady Dina,” the male dips his head respectfully. “But the vampires are here, and the coven leader is insisting on an audience.”

My birth mother frowns. “Really? Do you know what he wants to discuss?”

The Fallen’s eyes slide over to me. “They want to talk abouther.”

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