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Eve nodded and sighed. She took a minute before she spoke again, “So, you do want to have a baby with them?”

Again, all eyes were on me.

I didn’t hesitate to answer the question. “I do,” I said, and the most surprising part of that was how honest and real my answer felt. Even though it would never happen.

I would never have a baby with either of these men.

But the idea of having a baby with one—or both—of them felt so, so right.

Carlo smiled and looked down at the ground.

Stefan’s mouth opened like he was about to talk. But he immediately shut it.

Eve was grinning ear to ear. Her other arm wrapped around Stefan’s. “This is so freaking awesome.” Her eyes got teary—which meant so did mine. “We’re going to have a new baby around here soon.” The emotion in her voice affected me so much. I didn't know why.

The only thing I knew for sure was that I wouldn't be having any babies. But the thought of having a baby soon—with one of these men made my heart all mushy.

Eve sniffled and blinked away her tears. “Okay, back to the logistics. You guys are all together. And Carlo needs an heir for the family.” She gazed up at Stefan. “Your family.”

Stefan gave Eve an angry glare. It didn’t stop her, though. “Right? Carlo needing an heir takes priority in this instance.”

Stefan looked away, clearly upset by Eve’s logic.

“Honey,” she let go of Carlo and tugged on Stefan’s arm with both of her hands, “this doesn’t mean Giselle never has your baby. It just means she has Carlo’s first.”

Carlo cleared his throat. And his voice sounded even deeper than usual. “I need a boy, Eve. Stefan knows that. If Giselle has a girl, we’ll need to keep going until a boy arrives.”

I gasped and almost choked on the air, “What? That’s ridiculous.”

Carlo’s eyes fell to mine. “That’s how it is in my family, Giselle.”

I leaned forward, and Nick’s hands gripped my hips. He wasn’t going to let me stand. “Why? I can’t just conjure up a baby with a penis because you say so.” My hands flew out in frustration.

Carlo’s jaw tightened. “Girls are prized, and I’ll love every daughter of ours that you push out. But I do need one boy, Giselle. That’s just the way of my world.”

It sounded like Carlo was talking in some kind of code. A code that I didn’t know or understand.

Something else that surprised me was nobody said a word about it, besides me.

Stefan didn’t.

Nick sure didn’t.

And the biggest shock of all—Eve just stared at me like this all made sense to her.

When it didn’t.

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Are you royalty or something?” I said with more than a tinge of sarcasm.

Nick pulled me back and into his side. “Carlo and Stefan’s family is considered to be a royalty of sorts here in Italy. And back home.”

I snorted and turned to Nick. “I don’t think so, Nick. No one has ever insinuated that to me.”

Nick’s eyebrows rose and fell, and his head tilted. “Depends on who you ask.”

I rolled my eyes at what Nick said. There was no one in Chicago who told me that Carlo and Stefan were some type of royalty. Eve certainly would have mentioned it. “I think all of you men have a very high opinion of yourselves.” I peered up at Nick.

He grinned his sexy smirk back at me. “That is also true. But I can vouch for what Carlo says. Their family has a status no one can deny.”
