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"Deal," Finn replied, offering the guard a grateful smile. As they moved to continue their search, Finn couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility settle onto his shoulders. He was putting this man's job on the line, and he couldn't let that be for nothing.

"Let's find Charles Keatings," he whispered to Amelia, determination burning in his chest. "And let's make sure this was worth it."

"Hey, don't worry about getting in trouble," Amelia chimed in, her voice soft but reassuring. "I'll vouch for you with Edward Keatings. We thought an ongoing crime was taking place, and you were compelled to let us stay with a flash of my badge."

The guard hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright. Charles Keatings' room is on the second floor, West Wing - the Purple Room. Just don't make too much noise, okay?"

"Thank you," Amelia said, offering the guard a warm smile.

As Finn and Amelia ventured upstairs, the dimly lit corridor seemed to stretch on forever, lined with dusty portraits of stern-faced aristocrats who seemed to watch their every move. The air was heavy, as if weighted down by the castle's long history, and the creaking floorboards beneath their feet only added to the eerie atmosphere.

"Is it just me," Finn began, casting a sidelong glance at Amelia, "or do we always end up in creepy places like this together?"

"Creepy? I find it rather charming," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Besides, it wouldn't be a proper mystery without some spine-tingling ambiance, would it?"

"Charming, huh?" Finn grinned, shaking his head in disbelief. "You must have a different definition of 'charming' than I do."

"Maybe it's a British thing," Amelia replied with a playful grin, her accent adding an air of sophistication to her words.

"Ah, yes," Finn drawled, putting on his best approximation of a posh English accent. "Nothing says 'charming' quite like haunted hallways and cobwebs in every corner."

"Haunted? Now you're just being melodramatic," she chided, although her smile never wavered.

"Maybe," Finn admitted, his voice returning to its normal pitch. He had never shook the feeling that during their previous case on Huldra Island, he possibly encountered something supernatural. It hadn't quite made him a believer, but it had swayed his worldview to change somewhat. "But I can't help but feel like we're being watched."

"By whom, the ghosts of disgruntled aristocrats?" Amelia asked with a laugh.

"Or maybe by someone who doesn't want us snooping around," Finn mused, his tone turning serious. He knew that they were treading on dangerous ground, and it was important to stay alert.

"Either way, let's just find Charles Keatings and get out of here," Amelia agreed, her eyes scanning the dark hallway for any signs of the Purple Room.

As they continued down the corridor, Finn couldn't shake the feeling that they were closing in on something vital - a piece of the puzzle that could bring them closer to solving the case. But with each step they took deeper into the castle, he also felt the shadows creeping closer, threatening to swallow them whole.

Amelia's eyes caught a glimpse of something distinct amid the shadows. "Finn, look there," she whispered, pointing towards an intricately carved door up ahead.

As they approached the door, Finn noticed a purple coat of arms adorning its wooden surface. This had to be the Purple Room they were looking for. He gestured for Amelia to keep quiet as they neared the door. Voices from within drifted out into the dim corridor.

"Name your price, ladies," Charles Keatings' voice oozed with arrogance.

"Ugh, I think you're disgusting!" one woman retorted.

"Everyone has their price," Charles snapped back, his temper flaring.

"Maybe, but not with you," the other woman chimed in defiantly.

"We'll see about that," the man's voice snapped angrily.

Finn couldn't help but feel a mixture of disgust and anger at Charles' behavior. But they needed to find out more information before confronting him. They were treading on thin ice, and one wrong move could jeopardize their case.

He looked over at Amelia, who was clearly sharing his feelings. Her eyes were narrowed, and her jaw clenched. Yet, she remained silent – waiting for his lead. Finn knew they couldn't linger in the hallway for much longer; it was only a matter of time before someone discovered them.

"Let's go around the corner," he whispered to Amelia. "I want to listen in for a bit longer."

They moved silently down the hall and positioned themselves behind a tapestry that provided some cover. From here, they could still hear the conversation inside the room without risking being seen.

"Look, Charles, we're not interested," one of the women said firmly. "Find someone else."

"You don't get to say no to a Keatings," he growled, clearly frustrated.
