Page 69 of Beautiful Trauma

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Me: You still with Cee? She’s not answering my texts.

Mish: Yes. But we’re backstage with the Sparrows. Our girl decided to rally and is now doing shots with Bill.

Bill was the bassist for the band we were touring with. Bill has been trying to hook up with Cee since day one. I took Connor’s words under consideration. I wasn’t her babysitter. Everyone else could look out for her, too.

Me: Just make sure she makes it back onto a bus. I’m going to bed.

Mish: Sure.

Cee didn’t call that night. I woke up the next day and checked my phone for a missed call and there wasn’t one. We were still driving, so I grabbed yogurt from the fridge in the common area of the bus and sat down in front of the TV.

The time for Cee’s usual morning message came and went, and I didn’t hear from her. I asked Matteo and Tom if they had, knowing all of us usually got messages at the same time, but they hadn’t heard from her either.

When we pulled into the lot for the venue an hour later and piled out of the buses, I looked around for her, but she still wasn’t around. Elle gave me a dirty look. “Where’s my sister?”

“You don’t know where she is?” I tried to remain calm, but my pulse picked up.

“Calm down, I know where she is,” Mish stood between us.

“Well, if she’s not on either of these buses, where is she?” I roared.

Mish looked around, nervous about the answer. “She’s with Bill.”

“Of course, she is,” Elle muttered. “We’re sure she’s on their bus?”


Cee spent the next three days with the other band. Both Bill and everyone in my own band assured me that she was fine, so I let her do her thing. I figured if she needed me, she’d reach out.

Shit hit the fan on our next night off. Once again, both bands were staying at a hotel for the night. We were all partying in the same suite. I got a look at her for the first time in days and she looked like hell. She was clearly high. On what, I wasn’t sure, but I watched as she literally danced to a beat that must have been in her head.

Her tangled hair flew around as she whipped her head around. For the most part, everyone else at this party was also drunk. I was the lone sober person, as usual. This wasn’t something that used to bother me. I preferred it that way, but this was painful. I grabbed a beer to take the edge off and moved to where I couldn’t watch.

A couple of hours later, my phone buzzed in my pocket. “Yeah?” I answered.

“Can you come help me, please?” Beth’s voice was hushed on the other end.

“Beth? Where are you?” I looked around, seeing my band members all accounted for.

“Just come to the lobby.”

I made my way to the lobby and saw Beth huddled in a corner. “What’s going on?” There was a broken vase on the floor beside her and a shirt. The same shirt Cee had been wearing.

“She came down here and started dancing on that table over there. Apparently, kicking the vase and throwing her shirt off. I managed to get her into this corner, but she’s not exactly cooperative. I was hoping you could use your superpowers to get her dressed and back upstairs.”

My brows pinched together in confusion. “My superpowers?”

“You are clearly the ‘Cee Whisperer.’ I can force her up on my own, but it won’t be pretty and will draw more attention to her than there already has been.”

“There’s been attention?”

“Some people took some pictures. I don’t think they know who she is or who she’s with. Probably just assume she’s a drunk groupie, but I’m trying to keep things under control.”

“Cee, what the fuck are you doing?” I asked the figure trapped in the corner by Beth.

“Fuck off, Sergio. I’m just trying to have a good time,” she slurred.

“Yeah, well, that’s over now. Let’s go.” I moved closer, displacing Beth.
