Page 8 of Guiding Blight

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My stomach flipped. I couldn’t take any more bad news. Quickly, I answered. “Man-mom?”

“Cecily-boo,” he said. “I was so worried.”

He sounded tired and happy, but his voice was hoarse as if he’d been crying.

“I’m fine,” I lied. I wasn’t sure I was going to be fine ever again. “Are you okay?”

“I am,” he said, sounding strange. Not scared strange… just really strange.

“Mmkay,” I said. “I’m coming home now.”

“That’s good, Cecily-boo. I love you,” he said. “There’s someone here who wants to see you.”

“I love you too. Tell Sean and Uncle Joe I’m on my way,” I said with a smile.

I knew I’d have to tell Man-mom about Lilith. He’d be heartbroken. I’d take him to the safe house, so he could see how much she’d always loved him… and me.

“Not Sean and Joe,” he said with a silly lightness in his voice that I’d never heard.

“Should I guess?” I asked, catching his silliness.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to,” he replied with a chuckle.

“Okay, I give up. Who’s waiting to see me?”

He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. The suspense was killing me. “Your mother. Your mother is home, and this time, she’s here to stay.”

I couldn’t say a word. Dropping the phone, I started to sob. Abaddon’s phone shattered into pieces. Sean and I had been worried about our dad’s memory for a while. His bout with Pandora had clearly sent him over the edge. I pivoted my gaze to Abaddon and mouthed, “He thinks my mother is with him.”

Abaddon squinted at me then glanced over at Dagon. “Is that possible?” he asked.

“No. I don’t think so,” Dagon replied.

“Is it Pandora?” Abaddon ground out.

“She’s in hiding,” Dagon surmised. “More importantly, Bill didn’t seem to be in danger. Shiva, Cher, Fifi and Ophelia are there along with Corny, Irma, Stella, Moon and Jonny. The street is also warded. There’s no way for Pandora to have entered Cecily’s home.”

Abaddon put his hand under my chin and gently raised my tear-stained gaze to his. “I’m not sure who is with your father, but we need to find out. Are you up to it?”

I wiped my tears and lightly kissed his lips. “No. But that’s never stopped me yet.”

“Take my hands,” Dagon urged, clearly unnerved. “We must go at once.”

I had no clue who my dad thought was my mother, but whoever was messing with him and us would be very sorry shortly.

In a blast of chilly wind and glittering black mist, we headed to the next adventure.

And what an adventure it would turn out to be…


We materializedin a gust of silver and black shimmering magic on the street directly in front of my house. Abaddon stood on my right and Dagon on my left. The tension was palpable. On either side of the walkway leading to the front door were Demons, Succubi and a single Angel.

I feared none of them. They were my friends.

I was aware of their presence, but my eyes were drawn to the front porch. My breath caught in my throat, and a tingle of dread outweighed by delight came close to making my knees buckle. Abaddon sensed my distress and lent me a strong arm to stay steady. The man was not only hot but handy as well. I was unsure if he and Dagon were as shocked as I was, but a gentle breeze could have blown me over. The vision didn’t make sense, but nothing in my life made all that much sense anymore.

“Breathe,” Abaddon said softly.
