Page 10 of Submitting to Slade

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“True, but he doesn’t know that you want it because you relate to being ostracized because you are who you are,” I say. “They’re your reminder that you weren’t made to fit into a box, no matter how many people think you should.” I pause. “And he also doesn’t know that you only didn’t follow through on getting it because you were nervous about letting me put my hands on you.”

“Was not,” she mumbles through the door.

“Open the door, Little Who.”

“Okay. Wait. Is that big bully out there with you? Because I might not open the door if he is. He’s awful cranky.”

“You tased him, Skye. I think he’s allowed to be cranky.”

“It’s his own fault!” She flings the door open to protest her innocence. “I tried to tell him that he was freaking me out, but he wouldn’t listen. He just kept saying I needed to come with him like he was the freaking Terminator or something. I thought he was trying to kidnap me.”

As soon as I see her little black dream dress and the mascara making tracks down her cheeks, I push my way into the room, equal parts turned on, pissed off, and concerned. Jesus Christ. How does one woman make me feel so much simultaneously?

“Didn’t he tell you that I sent him?”

“Yes, but that’s what strangers always say when they kidnap you.” She purses her lips, staring up at me. “I thought he was lying.”

“Do people try to kidnap you often, Who?” I ask, pushing the door closed so no one else sees her in her fucking dress. It dips low between her breasts, showing off far too much cleavage. And it’s even shorter than the one she wore today. If she breathes wrong,mypussy is going to peep out the bottom of it.

“No, but there’s a first time for everything.” Her chin wobbles. “I really don’t want to be kidnapped from a freaking sex club.”

“Come here.”

I don’t have to tell her twice. As soon as I hold my arms out, she jumps into them, pressing her face to my chest as if she’s desperate for comfort. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight.

“Thank you for coming for me,” she whispers. “I’m sorry I called you. I didn’t know who else to call. My sisters would freak out if they knew I was here.”

“Are you all right, Who? Did anyone hurt you?”

I’ll fucking kill someone tonight if they did.

“I’m f-fine.”

“You don’t sound fine.”

“I am, really.”

I hook a finger under her chin, forcing her head up. She meets my gaze, and I see that she’s telling the truth. She’s okay. Thank God.

With that settled, I switch gears.

“Care to tell me why the fuck you’re here, then?”


“Now, Who,” I growl.

“My new friend invited me,” she rushes to say. “Except I didn’t know it was this kind of club when I said yes. I thought it was just a nightclub. Clearly, I missed a memo because this is not like any nightclub I’ve ever been to before now, Slade. There was this woman in ropes tied to this weird wooden thing. And I’m pretty sure all the naked men around her were going to have… um… relations… with her.” Her cheeks turn pink. “And there was a couple having sex right in the middle of the hallway while other people watched.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

I slant my mouth down on hers, silencing her with a hard kiss. If she keeps talking, I’ll be fucking her in the hallway while everyone watches. It’s almost inevitable at this point. She’s got my dick so hard it hurts.

She gasps as soon as my tongue touches her bottom lip, opening up for me. I don’t miss the opportunity and lick inside her mouth. She tastes like sweet wine and minty toothpaste. It’s a helluva combination.

Her hands fly to my shoulders. I expect her to push me away, but she pulls me closer, the sweetest little whimper leaving her lips. That sound drives me fucking wild.

I growl, dragging her deeper into my arms, harder against my chest. My hand plunges into her hair, holding her still as I lay claim to her mouth, kissing off every bit of that ruby-red lipstick.
