Page 44 of Knight

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“Okay. I can do that.”

“I know you can. You got this, Cam. Just go now, okay?” I hear him agree and then hang up the phone. I run my hand over my face before turning to call out to Tarek. He rushes over, and I explain to him what’s going on.

“Holy fuck, brother. Let’s get there,” he says. We round up the other guys and rush out to our bikes. We all climb on and then take off, heading for the house. I should call Cage, but he has his shit to deal with.

We make it in record time as I survey the area. There are no cars out of place, and that unsettles me. Where did he park? Is he still here?

I climb off my bike, raising my hand to the others so they know to be quiet. We creep up to the front door, and my stomach knots. I don’t know what I’m going to find when I get inside. What if Dave hurt her? Or worse? What if she’s dead? I shake the thought away as I push the front door open and step inside with my gun drawn and ready.

We move through the house, not finding anything, and that pisses me off.

“House is clear. He took her,” Ridge states.

“What about the kids?”

“At my house. Let’s go there next,” I tell them. I need to get the boys and get them back to the clubhouse before I can think. I need them to be safe.

We head next door to my house, and I walk inside, heading straight for the basement. I bang on the door and call out to Cam, letting him know it’s me. Slowly, the door creeps open, and they both look to see it’s me before they come flying in my direction. They both throw their arms around me, holding on tightly. In this moment, I know this is what I want. I just needto get Lyra back. I need her. I need them. This is my family now, not his.

“It’s gonna be okay,” I tell them.

“Where is she?” Cam asks.

“He took her. I’m gonna figure this out and find her, Cam. Do you hear me?”

“What if-” I cut him off.

“No. We’re not goin’ there. Mom’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna find her and bring her home, yeah?” The boys nod their heads as they pull away from me.

“We gotta go,” Ridge says. I agree. We don’t need to stay here right now.

“He’s right. Let’s get you back to the clubhouse. You’ll be safer there.”

“But what about mom?” Billy asks. My heart wants to shatter in my chest as I think about all the possibilities. I shouldn’t go there, but I can’t help it. If it were him who was shooting at us, then he’d stop at nothing to get what he wants. Sadly for him, I’m the same way. I’ll stop at nothing to get her back.

“She’s gonna be fine. I’m gonna find her and bring her back. Okay? I need you to go with the prospect,” I tell them. They both nod, and I lead them out to the truck before giving the prospect orders. He agrees to watch them and keep them safe until I get there. Then I watch them pull away before I head back to Lyra’s house to see if I’m missing anything.

“Where do you think he’d take her?” Ridge asks as we search the damn house and come up empty. There’s nothing.

“I don’t fuckin’ know. What the fuck am I gonna do?” I ask more to myself as I run my hand through my hair. This is fucked up. I have nothing to go on. I don’t know where he would have taken her. I don’t know shit about the man other than what the kids and Lyra have told me and what I was able to dig up on him, which wasn’t a lot.

“This is fucked up,” I mumble.

“Yeah, it is. We’re gonna find her, though, Knight.”

“Are we? We have nothin’ to go on!”

“That’s never stopped us before,” he reminds me. He’s right. That’s never stopped us before, so why should it now?

“He’ll call. He wants the boys,” I say out loud.

“You’re right. He wants the kids,” Tarek adds. “He’ll get ahold of you, so let’s lock up and head back to the clubhouse until he does.” I don’t want to leave. I feel closer to her here in her space. But I know the boys are going to need me right now. They need the reassurance that everything is going to be okay, and I have to be the one to give them that.

“Yeah. Let’s go,” I tell them. We walk out of the house and lock up before climbing back on our bikes and heading for the clubhouse. The whole ride, my guilt eats me alive. I should have left with them. I should have gone home with them and handled club shit later. But I didn’t, and now she’s gone. And that’s on me. That’s all on me.

I hate myself for not going. I hate myself for letting this happen. I should have been there, but I wasn’t, and now look what happened. Lyra trusted me to protect her. She trusted me to keep her safe.

By the time we make it back to the clubhouse, I’m pissed at myself. I’m beyond pissed. I want to kill someone, and that someone is Dave. I want to watch the life slowly slip out of him before putting a bullet in his head.

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