Page 45 of Knight

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“Better change that attitude before you go inside,” Ridge says.

“Fuck you. This is my fault.”

“How so?”

“I let them go by themselves. I should have gone with them.”

“Like you could have known he would be there,” he huffs.

“Doesn’t matter. I knew Dave was out there, and I let them go, Ridge. What the fuck kind of man does that make me?” I ask him feeling more pissed than I was.

“It makes you a good man. You did what you thought was best, Knight. Don’t start doin’ this shit to yourself, brother. You need to keep your head straight for those boys in there. You start losin’ your shit, and they're gonna do the same. Is that what you want?” he asks me. I shake my head. I don’t need them worrying even more over this. I’ll find her. There is no doubt in my mind that I’ll find her, and when I do, I’ll kill him. They won’t ever have to worry about that man bothering them again when I get done with him.

“You’re right.” I take a deep breath and blow it out before walking to the front door and heading inside. Tarek informs me Cage knows what’s happening and said to do what I needed to do. I nod my head and continue to where the boys are.

They both sit on the bed, tears falling down their cheeks as they look up at me.

“No cryin’. We don’t cry.”

“She’s gone,” Billy sobs harder. I walk over and pull him into my arms, letting him cry it out anyway. I don’t want them to cry or be afraid. I want them to be strong and know that I got this, but I can see that’s hard for them to do.

“She’s gonna be fine, Billy. We’re gonna get her back.”

“He wanted her dead,” Cam adds.

“I know what he wants, and that’s you boys. He isn’t gonna hurt her until he has you two, and he’s not gonna touch either one of you. I got you.”

“You can’t protect us,” Cam says.

“Yeah, I can, and I will. I’m not gonna let anything happen to either one of you.”



He wrapped a chain around my neck tight enough so I couldn’t move much, but it was loose enough that I wasn’t choking to death. My arms are chained above my head, and my feet barely touch the floor as I doze in and out of consciousness.

I feel like there’s a weight on me I can’t get off. Dave keeps pumping drugs into me, and I can barely lift my head.

My eyes flutter open when I hear the door open and close. There the bastard is. If I could get my hands on him, I’d choke him to death, and I think he knows it.

“Glad you’re awake this time,” he says as he circles my naked body. He stripped me at some point so that he could use his belt on me. The thought makes the welts on my back scream in pain and fire.

“Fuck you,” I hiss at him.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you? Me fucking you again. Maybe I will.” Instantly, I regret my words.

“Don’t touch me,” I tell him.

“I don’t want you. I want my boys, Lyra. They’re mine! I saw you playing house with that trashy biker. I know you’vebeen fucking him. I’ve just been bidding my time until he wasn’t around, and the motherfucker was always around.” I can sense the anger in him at his words. So it was him shooting at us. He saw us together, and I decide to use that against him.

“He gave me everything you couldn’t,” I tell him, testing the waters. If I’m going to die by his hand, I won’t go out without a fight.

“Is that right? What could someone like him give to you?”

“Love. Sex. Great sex,” I tell him as he smirks at me. Then I see him pick up a long wooden stick and swing before it collides with my flesh. I cry out in pain before he does it again and again. Tears stream down my cheeks as I try to hold them back, but there’s no use. I don’t want to give him my tears, but I can’t stay quiet.

“You want to tell me a little more about what he gave you?” He growls before hitting me once more. My back screams in pain, but I try to focus on something else, anything else.
