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“El, I can’t imagine being there without you, without knowing you’re working close and will be home soon. It’s yours too.”

“People are saying I’m only with you two for the money.”

“You read the articles and posts?”

“No.” I hadn’t. In truth, I cared little for the phone in my pocket outside of being able to communicate with others. I didn’t go online or play games. There was no browsing social media, no accounts for the sites. I honestly wanted nothing to do with any of it.

At the restaurant, I’d seen so many people at dinner with friends or loved ones, their heads buried in their phones. They had no idea how lucky they had it. Out to eat a good meal with great company. I would have given anything for a fraction of that back when I had no home. To behave like that now, with my face always looking at a screen, I couldn’t do it. I wanted to treasure every moment I had with the people who’d become important to me.

“I heard the others talking,” I said. “At the restaurant. They didn’t believe the articles, but they mentioned what was said to each other. I ignored them the best I could.”

“If you wanted our money, you would have robbed me in the middle of the night and left in one of our vehicles. You would have taken photos or videos of us and bribed us so you could make money in exchange for not leaking private information. We know you aren’t that person. Don’t worry about what others think.” Easier said than done. I might not have read the articles or the comments, but they still existed. People still talked about me.

I heard the door open and shoes on the floor. Dash sighed when he peered down at us. Slater had his hands stuffed into his pockets.

“What are we doing?” Dash asked.

Reed combed his hand through his hair. “I want to take him home, but I can’t lift him on my own and El is still shaky from earlier.”

“All right.” Dash crouched as well while I got out of the way. He maneuvered Casper until he got him into a position where he could lift him with the help of Reed. Slater attempted to assist as well, but Reed shook his head.

They carefully moved Casper from the kitchen and through his home. I grabbed Casper’s keys and his phone. They were scattered, not near each other. I wasn’t sure where his wallet was. Maybe still on him. Slater turned off the lights and made sure the door was locked when we were in the hallway.

Luckily, we got out of the building and into Casper’s SUV without anyone seeing us, except the security guards who monitored the cameras. I was certain they’d seen worse than a passed-out drunk guy. Had anyone but the rest of the band been trying to carry him, I was certain they’d stop them and ask what they were doing.They knew these guys though. They knew Reed.

With Casper lying on the back seat, his head on my lap, Reed got behind the wheel and started our journey to his house. I didn’t like being in the city. It wasn’t the same as the one I lived in but had enough similarities that I kept my focus on Casper as we drove through it, not wanting to relive when I was in a very different situation than I was now. It wasn’t lost on me how fortunate I was.

Slater and Dash were behind us. They would have to follow the same route anyway, plus we needed their help unless we wanted to leave Casper in his SUV all night.

My hand still shook when I lifted it to brush through Casper’s soft hair. He looked so peaceful like this. No worry etching his face. No doubt in his eyes, wondering what he’d do next to upset someone.

“He’ll be okay,” Reed said, drawing my attention to him. His eyes kept moving to me in the rearview mirror. “He just needs to sleep it off. In the morning, we can tell him what happened.”

I nodded, not sure if Casper would believe me, although hoping he would. I wouldn’t lie. He had to understand he did nothing wrong. I still wanted him as much as I did before today.

We were at Reed’s, taking Casper inside soon after. Reed directed Dash to assist him in bringing Casper to Reed’s room. I had a feeling if it were up to Reed, Casper wouldn’t spend another night in the spare bedroom or anywhere but with him.

Reed didn’t want to leave Casper’s side, and wouldn’t look at Slater, so I walked Slater and Dash to the door, my legs more stable than they were earlier. I was safe here. I had the men who meant the world to me, a dog I loved, and friends. Things with Slater were up in the air, but they’d eventually talk it through.

Something occurred to me as I watched Slater and Dash walk down the stairs and toward the door. I didn’t think Slater hated Casper. He was angry that day but hate… no. He was sad now. With every step he took, he got slower, like he was pushing his legs through cement.

Dash was the first to the door. He paused to look at his brother. “Coming?”

“Can you give us a minute?” I asked.

He nodded and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

Turning to Slater, I studied him for a few more seconds. “What’s tethering you here? Is it the fight? The things you said to Casper, which I don’t think you meant?”

Slater cast a long glance toward the stairs. “I should go.”

“You love him, don’t you? Reed?”

He shook his head. I expected him to deny what I’d asked. He didn’t. “Doesn’t matter.”

“It does if you feel this way.”

“I appreciate you being nice to me after everything I said, but Reed was never mine to want.”
