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“The kid? I mean, it’s Dash. Everyone likes him.”

“No, I think Dash likes Tristan.”

“Ooohhh, interesting.”



Cadence offered to give me a ride home since she was on her way out to run errands. I worked the lunch shift through the majority of the dinner shift. When it started to slow and they had everything under control, she said I could go, and she’d give me a ride. I didn’t argue with her. Spending time with Reed and Casper was my favorite thing.

We were in one of the farm trucks, going down Reed’s driveway when I noticed a car pull in behind us. One I’d seen before.

“What’s he doing here?” I muttered.

“Is that the guy who was dating your stepfather?” Cadence asked.

“Yes. He’s nice and Dash helped him move out of that house, so I don’t think he’s a threat.”

Cadence put the truck in park next to the patio. “I can stay if you want.”

“You don’t need to. Cas and Reed are inside.” One glance at the second story deck and there was Reed leaning on the railing, his eyes on the sedan. It was a second later when the door opened to the patio below and Casper came through, striding toward me on those powerful legs of his I knew intimately, just like I did every part of his body.

He leaned through the open window to kiss me. “I can get rid of him.”

“No, don’t. I’d like to see what he wants.”

He nodded. “Hey, Cade.”

“You have our boy?”

“Yeah, I’ve got him.”

Casper opened the door then pulled me into his strong arms. I held on to him for all I was worth, not wanting to ever let go. A door closing near us had him placing me on my feet. I thanked Cadence for the ride and shut the truck door so she could leave. She eyed Tristan before turning the truck around and driving off.

Tristan gave a hesitant wave. His clothes looked a little baggier than before, making me wonder if he was taking care of himself. It wasn’t my business but knowing he’d been brainwashed by my asshole stepfather had me concerned for him. “I won’t stay long. I found some things in the house I thought you might want, Elic. Dash helped me pack and… Well, I grabbed stuff that wasn’t mine. The items seemed like they may mean something to you. I wanted to deliver them myself.”

He opened the back door, a loud screech of what sounded like metal on metal made me cringe. I couldn’t judge. Any car was a luxury as far as I was concerned. Tristan grabbed a small box with the top flaps folded inside, revealing what looked like picture frames and other items.

As he started walking toward me, Casper met him halfway and took the box from him. It wasn’t necessary, but I couldn’t fault Casper for looking out. Tristan had lived with my stepfather for who knew how long. We didn’t know what he was told, what he still believed, or if he still loved him.

Tristan shook his head. “You’re very protective over him. I understand why, but I won’t hurt him or any of you. I hate that I believed what Oscar had told me. How he wove the tale he needed for me to fall into his trap. I was so blinded. Fuck, I was the one paying the mortgage because Oscar said he couldn’t work. His truck was nicer than my car. Nothing was in my name. I hope they repossess all of it. Oscar has tried to call me numerous times from jail. I refused to answer. There’s nothing more I want than to forget I ever met him. But this…” He gestured to the box Casper held. “It’s the least I could do. I grabbed the good photos without him in them. The ones of you or you and your mom. I also took some small mementos from your room.”

I leaned toward Casper and started going through the box. Sure enough, there were the photos my mom used to have around the house. I wasn’t sure if I wanted them though. How fucked up was that? My stepfather took so much away from me. He robbed me of the things I cherished. Knowing he hung on to them, that he had them displayed, made me sick. But could I get rid of them? They were the last reminders I had of my mom.

Lifting my gaze to Tristan, I said, “This is very kind of you.”

“Everything you went through, this can’t repair the damage, but I hope it provides a measure of comfort knowing those things are with you now. If they would have stayed in the house and it is taken from him, I don’t know what happens to it. And if he gets out…” He took a deep breath. “I don’t want to think about that. I hope he rots in there.”

Deciding to go with my gut, I left Casper’s side and closed the distance between Tristan and me. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered, “Thank you. If you ever need a friend, I’m going to give you my number. It was a shitty way to meet, but I’m glad you got away from him.” It was one of the consolations—Tristan left. “He didn’t do anything to you, right?” I hated even asking but wanted to make sure he was okay.

“No, not like that.” Tristan released me and quickly wiped beneath his eyes. “He didn’t do that to me, but he used me for my money. I’ve always considered myself compassionate. I thought I was doing a good thing helping him out. His back hurt, or so he said, and he couldn’t work. What was the truth and what was a lie? I might never know. But at least I’m away from him.”

“Do you have a place to stay? You had mentioned your grandmother last time you were here.”

He bit the corner of his nail. “She’s letting me stay for now. I have to be careful what I say around her. She thinks I commit sins by being with men. With my options limited until I can save money again, she’s my only option. At least I have a roof over my head.”

“If you need—”
