Page 33 of Mafie Queen

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“I don’t have all the information yet, but it seems like she can’t remember a lot about what my father did to her. She remembers there was pain, but the details are fogged over.”

I remember reading the notebook pictures we were sent and how many volts of electricity she was shocked with. It makes sense her mind would want to black that out.

“She’s going to pull through, Lex. I could hear it in her voice. She's coming back to us.”

As much as I want to believe him, I also know that when she comes back, she’s going to be even more broken.We were only just learning to manage everything before. What could possibly happen now?

“Hey, dude.” Damien waves his hand in front of my face. “Don’t do that shit. She’s coming back. That’s why you called Dr. K here in the first place. With her, we’re all going to get through this.”

“How do you know?”

Damien always has this confidence about him, even if it is just a mask seventy-two percent of the time. I can tell he believes it’s all going to work out this time though, and I need some damn hope.

“Because it has to, bro. This is Evie we are talking about. She’s hotter than the sun and fiercer than any warrior to ever walk this planet. If I don’t believe in her, then there isn’t anything out there I could believe in.”

Chapter 16

After sparring with Alexi for two hours, I told him I needed to get to the hospital. Laney won’t answer her phone and it’s starting to piss me off. When I get to the door of Arrow’s room, I see something unexpected that changes my mind. Akio is in there with her and she’s smiling.

I don’t know a damn thing they’re saying to each other, but Laney seems to be so much more herself. I hate to interrupt, but I also know she wants to hear the news. When I open the door, Akio meets my gaze first. Giving him a firm nod, I feel oddly protective over Laney and her relationships. The last thing thisthrouple can handle is another man, so I hold the door open for him.

He may not speak great English, but I know he understands it.

“I need to talk to her.”

He doesn't take offense, only hugs Laney and leaves. Laney, however, takes offense.

“What the flip was that?” She demands once the door is shut.

Striding over to the couch, I sit next to her, searching the room for who she’s talking to when I sarcastically point at myself. “Wait, me?”

She narrows her eyes in my direction.

“How aboutyouexplain tomewhat that just was? Don’t you have enough boy drama in your life already, Laney? Maybe don’t add to it right now.”

She rolls her eyes and sits back with a huff. “He’s just a friend.”

“He’s the only one besides me and Boris that you’ve allowed by Arrow's side in three weeks. You won’t even let the man who loves him come in here. I’m not the only one of us that sees how fucked up that is, right?”

She shakes her head. “Havoc doesn’t love either of us. He was going to leave us, Damien. All because he got scared.”

“Oh, so we aren’t allowed to make mistakes in this life now? Have you ever thought about why he might have been trying to leave?”

She turns her head away from me, trying to be stubborn. But I know Alexi, and no one is more stubborn than that man, so I can definitely handle Laney at her worst.

“We got Evie back.”

This gets her attention. “Why the frick didn’t you say so?”

I shrug. “Thought your buddy Akio would have told you about it.”

Confusion crosses her features. “He’s the one who flew us out from the mountains where she was being held.”

“Oh my gobstopper! Is she okay?”

“No, Havoc is with her though.”

“Wait, why aren’t you with her?”
