Page 34 of Mafie Queen

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“It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in on the ride to go see her.”

She starts to grab her things when her body freezes. “But Havoc is there?”

I reach into my back pocket, not wanting to betray anyone's trust but also knowing that she needs to see this. I hand her an envelope.

She takes it and breaks the seal, opening it to reveal the letter Havoc wrote to her the night before our lives all got flipped upside down. She looks between me and the letter questioningly.

“I haven’t read it, but I think you might need to.”

With that, I leave the room to give her the space she needs to read the words and come to terms with the reality around her. I don’t know everything the letter says, but I do know our dying words can help us see what matters most more clearly. So, I’m taking a chance by giving it to her now.

Five minutes later, Laney exits the room. Her eyes are red and puffy, and her feet move like they’re on a mission.

“Let’s go,” she snaps, stomping past me.

I chuckle at her antics. Slowly but surely, the firecracker we know and love is coming back to us, and I’m here for every damn second of it.


We arrive at the house, where Evie is staying with Dr. K, and Laney looks over to me, shock evident in her features.

“So you just got her a mini-mansion?”

I laugh, pulling into the circular driveway to drop her off out front. I can’t go in right now, but just knowing she’s this close helps a little bit.

“This house is just ours until Evie is better, then we are moving into a tower in the city.”

I filled her in on everything going on with Evie during the ride. While she was totally horrified and disgusted just like the rest of us, I think she mostly just couldn’t wait to have her friend back.

“Havoc is still here?” she asks before getting out.

“He’s not leaving her side. And neither should you. The nurses will call you if there are any changes with Arrow, but theybothneed you in there.”

She takes a deep breath and lets it out. Exiting the car, I grab her bags for her. She brought a lot more than necessary, but regardless, I help her carry them to the door. Before I turn to leave, I tug her in for a hug and a departing question.

“Give this to my girl, would ya?”

Shocking Laney with physical touch is like surprising a shark with water. You just can’t do it, so when she stiffens in my arms, I internally laugh. Eventually, she leans into me and I loan her some of the strength I’m holding onto so she can help get my girl through this.

Before everything happened, I wanted to keep the touching boundary to a minimum with any females. But with Laney, it’s different. The more time has gone on, the more she’s begun to feel like a little sister to me. I watch as she rings the doorbell, then I turn and head towards my car.

Driving away from the house knowing my girl is so close is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but I do it because it’s the best thing for her.

She will be coming home soon, and I can’t wait to see her face when we show her the place we have set up just for us.

Chapter 17

It’s been a week, and while therapy hasn’t been a breeze during that time, I am truly starting to feel better. Having Laney and Havoc here has helped me a lot, even if they refuse to be in the same room as each other for more than five minutes.

I get it though. I’m just waiting for Havoc to make it up to her. He clearly wants to, so I don’t understand what’s holding him back.

I was able to talk to Damien and Alexi on the phone, but no one will tell me why Lev isn’t calling. Although he does text me a lot and sends pictures of the art that he’s been working on. Itmakes my chest swell with pride to see how he’s gotten back into something he loves. He’s proud of it too.

They are all coming over today. Dr. K wants us to do introductions one at a time, but I said no. I need all of them at the same time. They have been sending me pictures of them doing fun things, and while my initial response to them is panic, joy always overcomes it shortly after.

Damien has made copies of all of my sarcastic shirts but twisted the sayings to fit himself better. I get a picture of him every morning wearing one, and it is easily the best way to start my day .

I’m back to working out with Havoc while Alexi monitors me constantly through cameras, but I don’t mind it. I know it’s his way of trying to help me, and I know he’s been struggling with us all being apart. I love him more for giving me the space I need to heal, and this is one way I can help give him control so he can do the same.
