Page 50 of Mafie Queen

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She gives me condescending looks, as if she believes her being here longer or being taller and skinnier than me is something that should make me feel less than. And she keeps touching Boris’ hand every time she gives him a piece of paper.

While Boris and I haven’t discussed what we are to each other, and if this little thing we have going on is exclusive or not, I can’t help but feel like she’s trying to mark her territory. I shake off his touch, needing to show him I can do this.

“I’m fine. I need to know about the trade routes you utilize for energy purposes. I’ve seen that it’s common to waste extraenergy transporting these types of goods. I don’t want us to overlook more efficient options.”

When I look up at him, half of his mouth turns up in a smile.

“Did you stay up all night researching this?”

“No.” I actually stayed up all night researching everything we had planned for the day, not just this.

So, it’s not technically a lie. Our desks are situated right next to one another, so when he sits down, he doesn’t go far.

“You have to sleep. That was the whole point of this agreement.”

I give him a blank stare. “I have to learn this. If I’m of no use to you then why am I even here? Cami is more useful to you than I am at the moment.”

I dread using the bitch’s name, but I turn back to my notes so he doesn’t see how much I’m fuming.

“Cami?” I watch out of the corner of my eye as he stares at his door, as if he’s picturing her on the other side.

Taking a deep breath, I center myself and try not to let it affect me.

“The two of you should have lunch. I bet she could help you learn a lot of this.”

He says it so thoughtfully, as if his secretary and I are not having a pissing contest over him at the moment.

I clench my jaw, trying to stay polite. “No, thank you.”

His chair scoots closer to mine as I pretend to concentrate on my notes. When in reality, all I’ve written is the same thing over and over about six times now.

“Little Fox?” His voice is barely above a whisper. My eyes close on instinct, knowing I’ve been caught. “Care to tell me what’s going on with you?”

He reaches out a hand, threading his fingers with mine. Just when I concede and plan to tell him exactly how I’vebeen feeling, the bitch-who-shall-not-be-named enters the room without so much as a knock.

Rude.Boris’ eyes shift to her but his hand doesn’t leave mine. I watch as her back straightens, her nostrils flaring from how he’s touching me.

“Here are the papers for your meeting with Sampson,” she says, handing him a small ringed binder. “Last year's sales are highlighted in yellow and this year’s in orange. Off seasons are marked with red lines.”

Boris takes the papers, and low and behold, Cami’s hand trails over his fingers, but he keeps our hands firmly locked together. Crossing his leg in his seat, he opens the pages to share the information with me.

Cami stays there as if she’s waiting for something, but Boris pays no attention to her as he brings the back of my hand to his lips for a light kiss.

I’m stunned. While it’s no secret I’m staying at his place, he hasn’t made any move towards physical affection with me in front of anyone. At least not until now.

I try not to get wrapped up in his touch as he explains the numbers to me, and Cami stands her ground.

Occasionally, she helps him point out anything of importance as he skims the reviews, but her anxiousness only grows the more he ignores her. When we wrap up, we have about ten minutes to get ready.

“Hey, Cami?” Boris calls out as she turns to leave.

“Yes, boss?” She bats her eyelashes at him, and I have to hold back a gag.

“How’s your husband?”

Now that catches us both by surprise. Cami turns white as a sheet and I cover my mouth to fight off laughter.

“He’s fine. Still working in the accounting department. Why?”
